Page 17 - Pontiac Interior
P. 17

Interior - Steering Wheel & Column


                                                 Steering Column Spring
                                              Pn# - INL12972 - 1pc  $9.50 Ea        64-72 GM Horn Contact Kit
                                              1969-77 GM A-body, 69-81 F-body, 68-74 X-body,  Steering  Pn# - INL12989 - 3pc  $5.00 Set
            69-70 Wood Sport Wheel            Column Ignition Switch Return Spring.  This is a common part  1964-1972 GM Horn Contact Kit. Fits all 65-72 wood wheels, 64-
                                              that is broken in the column.        66 standard wheels, 70-72 Formula wheels & 71-72 Custom Sport
         Pn# - INL12214 - 1pc  $289.00 Ea                                          .
         1969-70 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird Sport Wood Wheel - Bare. There
         are several makers of this wheel and this is the best one on the
         market - the color and grain is an exact match.

                                                                                            INL12531         INL12532
                                                                                       69-70 Ignition Switch
                                                                                   Pn# - INL12531 - 1 pc  $25.00 Ea
                                                    Directional Switch             1969-70 GM A-body Ignition Switch for standard column with out
          INL12215                            Pn# - INL12830 -1pc   $58.00 Ea      TILT. Mounts on the column shaft.
           69-70  Sport Wheel Center          1969-79 All GM Steering Column Directional Signal Switch.  Pn# - INL12532 - 1 pc  $49.00 Ea
                                              Used in the column to work the directionals and flashers. The
         Pn# - INL12215 - 1pc  $89.00 Ea      wires are different colors but connect up the same.  1969-70 GM A-body Ignition Switch for Tilt column ONLY.
                                                                                   Mounts on the column shaft.
         1969-70 Black, GTO, Firebird Sport Wood Wheel Horn Center.
         There are several makers of this and this is the best one on the
         market - exact with heavy correct grain for 69-70 - Black
         Pn# - INL12216 - 1pc  $89.00 Ea
         1969-70 Red, GTO, Firebird Sport Wood Wheel Horn Center.
         There are several makers of this and this is the best one on the                                    INL13227
         market - exact with heavy correct grain for 69-70 - Red    Tilt Column Lever  INL13390
         Pn# - INL12217 - 1pc  $89.00 Ea                                              1971-81 Ignition Switch
         1969-70 Blue, GTO, Firebird Sport Wood Wheel Horn Center.  Pn# - INL11487-1pc   $12.00 Ea
         There are several makers of this and this is the best one on the  1967-86 Pontiac (All) Tilt Steering Column Lever.  Pn# - INL13390 - 1pc  $25.00 Ea
         market - exact with heavy correct grain for 69-70 - Blue                  1971-81 GM Steering Column Ignition Switch No Tilt. Mounted to
         Pn# - INL12218 - 1pc  $89.00 Ea                                           the steering column shaft.
         1969-70 Green, GTO, Firebird Sport Wood Wheel Horn Center.
         There are several makers of this and this is the best one on the          Pn# - INL13227 - 1pc  $33.00 Ea
         market - exact with heavy correct grain for 69-70 - Green                 1971-81 GM Steering Column Ignition Switch No Tilt. Mounted to
         Pn# - INL12219 - 1pc  $89.00 Ea                                           the steering column shaft.
         1969-70 Gold, GTO, Firebird Sport Wood Wheel Horn Center.
         There are several makers of this and this is the best one on the
         market - exact with heavy correct grain for 69-70 - Gold
           69-72  Sport Wheel Collar              67-79Turn Signel Lever
         Pn# - INL12220 - 1pc  $35.00 Ea      Pn# - INL12850 -1pc   $19.00 Set
         1969-70 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird Sport Wheel Collar. This goes  1967-79 All Pontiac Turn Signal Lever W/O Cruise Control.
         between the wheel and the base of the steering column.  This is at the correct angle with Excellent Chrome.
                                                                                     1969 GTO Column Cover
                                                                                   Pn# - INL15130 - 1pc  $29.00 Ea
                                                                                   1969 Pontiac GTO Lemans Tempest Steering Column Dash
                                                                                   Board Filler Cover Plate. Screws to the bottom of the dash.
           65-72  Sport Horn Contact             67-70 Tilt Column Lever
         Pn# - INL12221 - 1pc  $19.00 Ea      Pn# - INL13181 - 1pc  $22.00 Ea
                                              1967-86 All Pontiac Tilt Wheel Lever.
         1965-72 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird Sport Wheel & 70-81 Formula  This is at the correct angle with Excellent Chrome.
         Steering Wheel Horn Switch. This goes between the wheel and
         Center cap to make the horn work.        For New Products See             70-81 Column Panel Fastner
         Pn# - INL12222 - 1pc  $18.00 Ea                                           Pn# - INL14404 - 1pc  $6.00  Ea
         1965-72 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird Sport Wheel Horn Switch  1970-81Firebird  / Trans Am Steering Column Panel Fastener
         Adapter. Goes between the wheel and the center cap snaps to it.           Assembly. Used to hold the column panel to the dash. 2 per car.

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