Page 21 - Pontiac Interior
P. 21

Interior - Dash Items


                 69 Dash Insert

                                                Dash Hardware Mounting

         Pn# - INL12629 - 4 pc  $69.00 Set
         1969 Pontiac, GTO, Lemans, Dash Bezel Insert. Comes with
         woodgrain insert.

                                                                                      Ralley Guage Hardware
                                                                                   Pn# - INL12564 - 37pc  $4.50 Set
                                              Pn# - INL12634 - 74 pc $42.00 Set    1968-72 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird, Ralley Guages Screw & Nut Kit.
            70-72 Dash Insert - Hdt           1969-72 Pontiac, GTO, Lemans, Tempest Dash Hardware  These are the small screws, nuts & washers that hold the guages
                                                                                   to the main body and to the circuit board.
                                              Mounting Kit. This is all the small hardware that is used to put you
         Pn# - INL13010 - 4pc  $69.00 Set     dash back together.
         1970-1972 Pontiac GTO Aluminum Swirled Dash Insert -
         Hardtop. Exact to the factory original same size swirls.

                                                                                    Pontiac Guages Foam Seal
           70-72 Dash Insert - Convt                                               Pn# - INL13820 - 2pc  $12.00 Set
         Pn# - INL13011- 4pc   $79.00 Set          Dash Vent Mounting              1968-72 Pontiac GTO, 67-69 Firebird, 69-72 Grand Prix Rally
                                                                                   Guage Cluster Foam Seals.  A must when rebuilding guages.
         1970-1972 Pontiac GTO Aluminum Swirled Dash Insert -
         Convertible. Exact to the factory original, same size swirls.  Pn# - INL12630 - 8 pc  $4.50 Set
                                               1969-72 Pontiac, GTO, Lemans, Tempest Dash Vent Mounting
                                               Nuts. Large head speed nuts used to hold the side vent housings
                                               to the metal dash.

                                                                                      68-72 Under Dash Wire
             Instrument Panel Socket
         Pn# - INL12565 - 1pc  $4.50 Each        Dash Harness Brackets             Pn# - INL12635 - 3pc  $18.00 Set
                                                                                   68-72 Pontiac (All Models) GTO, Firebird Underdash Wire
         1968-77 GM Instrument Panel Light Socket, 5/8" Hole. These  Pn# - INL11776 6pc  $12.00 Set  Retaining Spring Snap Clips. Used to hold wiring above glovebox.
         twist into the back of the instrument panel housing.  1968-72 GTO, 67-69 Firebird Dash Guage Cluster Harness
                                              Channel Brackets. Used to hold the wiring harness plastic
                                              channel to the cluster unit.

                             #168                                                       Dash Ground Staps
                                                  Dash Mounting Bolts              Pn# - INL11077 3pc   $14.00 Set
            GM Dash Illumination Bulb
                                              Pn# - INL12656 - 4pc  $9.20 Set      1969-72 Pontiac GTO, Lemans Dash Ground Straps. Used to
         Pn# - INL12083 -1pc   $2.50 Ea       1969-72 Pontiac GTO Dash Mounting Bolts. Hold the dash to the  ground the wiper, clock and gauges to the metal dash.
         Cutlass 1964-77 Dash Illumination Brake Warning Light/72-77  cowl. Two are used at the steering column, one at each end.  We Stock All Our Parts
         Seat Belt Light. Clear #168, 1pc.    Factory correct part with loose washer and head marking.

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