Page 35 - Pontiac Interior
P. 35

Interior         - Arm Rests

          Interior Hardware

                 INL11793          INL11794
              64-67 Arm Rest Pads
         Pn# - INL11793 -2pc   $37.00 Pair
         1964-67 GM A-body Front Arm Rest Pads - Black only, for colors
         paint to match.                                                               68-69 Arm Rest Bases
         Pn# - INL11794 -2pc   $37.00 Pair                                         Pn# - INL11849 -2pc  $125.00 Pair
         1964-67 GM A-body Rear Arm Rest Pads - Black only, for colors  Front  Arm Rest Bases  1968-69 GM A-body Rear Arm Rests - BBlack only, for colors
         paint to match.                                                           paint to match. Comes Complete with the base, pads, ribbed
                                              Pn# - INL10661 -1pc   $30.00 Ea      ashtray & ashtray insert.
                                              68-72 A-body, 68-69 F-Body Frt Arm Rest Base Black Plastic - RT.
                                              Pn# - INL10662 -1pc   $30.00 Ea
                                              68-72 A-body, 68-69 F-BodyFrt Arm Rest Base Black Plastic - LT.
             64-67 Front  Arm Rests
         Pn# - INL14570 2pc   $30.00 Pr.
         1964-67 GM A-body Chrome Front Arm Rest Base. These are
         copper-nickle-chrome plated over the ABS Plastic.
                                                                                       68-69 Arm Rest Pads
                                                                                   Pn# - INL11796 -2pc  $37.00 Pair
                                                                                   1968-69 GM A-body Rear Arm Rest Pads - Black.
             64-67 Rear  Arm Rests
         Pn# - INL14571 2pc   $34.00 Pr.         Chrome Backing Plate
         1964-67 GM A-body Chrome Rear Arm Rest Base Exc  Pn# - INL10660 -2pc   $52.00 Set
         Convertible. These are copper-nickle-chrome plated over the ABS  1968-72 GM A-body front arm rest chrome backing plates.
         Plastic. Best on the Market.         Chrome backing plate bolts behind the arm rest base
                                                                                      Arm Rest Base Screws
                                                                                  Pn# - INL12031 - 4pc  $1.00 Set
                                                                                  1968-72 GM A/F/X-body Interior Door Arm Rest to Base Screws.
                                                                                  Used to hold the padded arm rest to the base. 2 for each base or 4
                                                                                  for the front and 4 for the rear if rear has plastic base.

          INL11777                                     INL10514         INL10515              INL11392
                                                 68-72 Arm Rest Screws
            68-72 Ft  Arm Rest Pads
         Pn# - INL11795 -2pc  $37.00 Pair     Pn# - INL10514 6 pc  $8.00 set
                                              68-72 A-body, 68-69 F-body Interior front arm rest screws 6 pc.
         1968-72 GM A-body Front Arm Rest Pads - Black - Molded in  Pn# - INL10515 4 pc  $5.50 set      INL11393
         color with core. Excellent Quality.
         Pn# - INL11797 -2pc  $45.00 Pair     68-72 A-body, 68-69 F-body Interior rear arm rest screws 4 pc.  Convertible Light Bezel
         1968-72 GM A-body Front Arm Rest Pads - White - Vinyl                     Pn# - INL11392 -2 pc  $54.00 Set
         Pn# - INL11798 -2pc  $45.00 Pair                                          1964-72 GM A-body Convertible Rear Arm Rest Light Bezels
         1968-72 GM A-body Front Arm Rest Pads - Pearl - Vinyl                     Used only on convertibles light package - Plastic Chrome.
         Pn# - INL11799 -2pc  $45.00 Pair                                             Convertible Light Lens
         1968-72 GM A-body Front Arm Rest Pads - Red
         Pn# - INL11800 -2pc  $45.00 Pair                                          Pn# - INL11393 -2 pc  $8.00 Set
         1968-72 GM A-body Front Arm Rest Pads - Parchment                         1968-72 GM A-body Convertible Rear Arm Rest Light Lens
         Pn# - INL11801 -2pc  $45.00 Pair                                          Used only on convertibles light package - Exact Off White Color
         1968-72 GM A-body Front Arm Rest Pads - Light Saddle
         Pn# - INL11804 -2pc  $45.00 Pair
         1968-72 GM A-body Front Arm Rest Pads - Dark Blue
         Pn# - INL11805 -2pc  $45.00 Pair        68-72 Ft  Arm Rest Pads
         1968-72 GM A-body Front Arm Rest Pads - Bright Blue  Pn# - INL11808 -2pc  $99.00 Pair
         Pn# - INL11806 -2pc  $45.00 Pair     1968-72 GM A-body, 1968-69 F-body Front Arm Rest Pads -
         1968-72 GM A-body Front Arm Rest Pads - Dark Green  Black - Molded in color & pads are also molded in color - Black.
         Pn# - INL11807 -2pc  $45.00 Pair                                             Convertible Light Lens
         1968-72 GM A-body Front Arm Rest Pads - Sandle Wood  Pn# - INL11809 -2pc  $125.00 Pair  Pn# - INL15213 -2 pc  $8.00 Set
                                              1968-72 GM A-body, 1968-69 F-body Front Arm Rest Pads -
             We Stock All Our Parts           Colors - Base Vinyl Painted and Vinyl Wrapped Pads. Excellent  1964-67 GM A-body Convertible Rear Arm Rest Light Lens
                                              Quality - For color choices see the arm rest pads section.
                                                                                   Used only on convertibles light package. Off white color is exact.

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