Page 38 - Pontiac Interior
P. 38
Interior - Seat Belts
Interior Hardware
INL15062 INL15435 INL15479 INL15480
68-72 Shoulder Belt Anchor 65-72 Deluxe Belt Blade 64-68 GM Rear Seat Belt A
Pn# - INL15062 - 1pc $12.00 Ea Pn# - INL15060 - 1pc $12.00 Ea Pn# - INL15479 - 1pc $39.95 Ea
1965-72 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, Seat 1965-72 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, F- 1964-68 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, F-
Belt Shoulder Belt Anchor Plate Mount. Used to hold the shoulder body Camaro, Firebird, X-body Nova, and all other GM Seat Belt body Camaro, Firebird, X-body Nova, Rear Seat Belt Lap Buckle
seat belt at the headliner roof rail. Male Chrome End Blade Tongue. Used on the end of the seat belt End Belt. OAL 35 3/4". This is the rear seat lap belt - the buckle
lap belt to snap into the female reciever. end - you will have to reuse your buckle.
Shoulder Belt Cover 65-72 Standard Belt Blade
Pn# - INL15435 - Ea $10.00 Pn# - INL15061 - 1pc $12.00 Ea 64-68 Rear Seat Belt B STD
1967-72 GM A/B Body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS & Fullsize, 1967- Pn# - INL15480 - 1pc $39.95 Ea
74 F-body Camaro, Firebird, Seat Belt Shoulder Belt Cover at 1965-72 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, F- 1964-68 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, F-
Headliner. Used to cover the seat belt bolts at the headliner. body Camaro, Firebird, X-body Nova, and all other GM Standard body Camaro, Firebird, X-body Nova, Standard Rear Seat Belt
Seat Belt Male Chrome End Blade Tongue, also 65-67 Ford Lap Standard Tab End Belt. OAL 23 1/4". This is the rear seat lap
Standard Blade. Used on the end of the seat belt lap belt to snap belt - the tab end .
into the female reciever, Front & Rear
Shoulder Belt Bolts
Pn# - INL12241 - 4pc $12.00 Set INL15481
1967-72 GM A-body (Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS), 1967-69 F Body 65-72 Seat Belt Anchor
(Camaro, Firebird), 68-74 X-body (Nova, Ventura) Shoulder Seat 64-68 Rear Seat Belt B DEX
Belt Bolts. Used to hold the shoulder belts to the body of the car. Pn# - INL15059 - 1pc $12.00 Ea
1965-72 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, F- Pn# - INL15481 - 1pc $39.95 Ea
body Camaro, Firebird, X-body Nova, and all other GM Seat Belt 1964-68 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, F-
Anchor Bracket. Used to hole the belt at the floor pan. Same for body Camaro, Firebird, X-body Nova, Deluxe Rear Seat Belt Lap
front and rear belts. With clear rubber dip on end. Deluxe Tab End Belt. OAL 22 1/4".
INL10866 INL12030
68-72 Seat Belt Retainers
Pn# - INL15413- 2pc $8.00 Set
1968-72 GM Seat belt shoulder belt retainers. Used to hold the
shoulder belts out of the way at the headliner. 64-68 GM Front Seat Belt A
Headliner Coat Hooks
Pn# - INL15414- 1pc $4.00 Ea Pn# - INL15482 - 1pc $39.95 Ea
1968-72 GM Seat belt shoulder belt retainer. Used to hold the Pn# - INL11790 -4pc $12.50 Set 1964-68 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, Front
shoulder belts out of the way at the headliner. 1967-72 GM A/F-body, Headliner Coat Hooks at headliner. Seat Belt Lap Buckle End Belt. OAL 38 1/2". This is the front seat
lap belt - the buckle end - you will have to reuse your buckle.
Pn# - INL10866 4pc $16.00 Set
1968-72 A-body, 69-70 F-body Seat Belt Shoulder Belt Retainers.
Used to hold the shoulder belts out of the way at the headliner.
Shoulder Seat Belt Screws
Pn# - INL12030 - 8pc $3.00 Set
1968-72 GM A/F/X-body Seat Belt Headliner Retainer Screws.
Used to hold the shoulder seat belt retainers at the headliner.
66-68 Shoulder Belt B DEX
Pn# - INL15483 - 1pc $49.95 Ea
1966-68 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, Black
72 Seat Belt Visor Sleeve Front Shoulder Seat Belt Deluxe Tab End Belt. OAL 41 1/2".
Shoulder belt for deluxe seat belts.
Pn# - INL11957 -1pc $8.00 Ea 66-68 Shoulder Belt B STD
1972 GM (All Makes) Visor Seat Belt Warning Sleeve. In 1972 the
seat belts were re-designed and this sleeve told you how to hook Pn# - INL15484 - 1pc $49.95 Ea
the smaller buckles together.
1966-68 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, Black
Shoulder Belt Stowage Stay up to date with us @ Front Shoulder Seat Belt Standard Tab End Belt. OAL 41 1/2".
Shoulder belt for standard seat belts.
Pn# - INL13037 - 1pc $6.00 Ea Made By Inline Tube
1968-1972 Pontiac GTO Shoulder Belt Stowage Glove Box Card.
When your car was new this card was in the glove box. New Products In Red