Page 25 - Peter Randall - The Craft of the Knot
P. 25
The Back Splice Knot is used to keep three-strand rope from fraying and coming
apart. If desired, the strands can be partially trimmed after each tuck to taper the splice.
The Crown Knot is very similar to the Wall Knot (see further), except the direction of the
running ends, which go down rather than up.
STEP 1 Take the three strands of the rope and tuck each one down through the loop
made by another strand.
STEP 2 Tighten the knot by pulling on the strands.
This knot is rarely tied by itself, unless you keep on tying this knot to cover a
cylindrical object.
This knot is the first in the multiple overhand series. It starts with a Simple Overhand
Knot, and then the running end is passed through the crossing turn a second time,
making the belly-and-spine appearance you see in Step 1.
STEP 1 Lay down the rope with the running end facing left. Move it down and twist to
make the belly, bringing it up over the right side of the standing part.
STEP 2 Run the running end up and under the standing part, making two overhand