Page 52 - Peter Randall - The Craft of the Knot
P. 52
The Double Bowline is similar to the Bowline Loop, but it’s started with a double
crossing turn.
STEP 1 Start with a double crossing turn.
STEP 2 Finish the knot just like a regular Bowline (see previous).
Also called the Round Turn Bowline, this version can provide for more security,
especially if the rope used is very slippery.
The Figure Eight Loop is popular with climbers due to its distinctive look when
tightened, which helps to determine whether it is tied correctly. For a high level of
security, the running end can be secured to the standing part with a Triple Overhand
Knot (see Chapter 1).
STEP 1 Begin by folding over the running end to make a bight, and use it to form a
Figure Eight.