Page 23 - Onboarding Toolkit
P. 23

                                                                           DAY      OF WORK

     05          Your screen should look like the           07         Sample of what your Email
                 image below:
                                                                       Signature could look like:

                                                            08         After completing your signature,
                                                                       Make sure you click on the box
                                                                       on the right hand side next to
     06         In the white box below                                 ‘Automatically append a
                ‘Append My vCard’ and in-
                                                                       signature to the bottom of my
                between the brackets please                            outgoing mail messages’
                update Email Signature                                 This will activate the signature
                accordingly                                            you have just created.
                Your signature should include
                the following:                                         Then Click on ‘Ok’
                - Your full name                                       Your Signature should now be
                - Your Position Title                                  saved and ready when you open
                - Division                                             a new email.
                - Office in which you are
                - Contact details – mobile
                phone or desk phone
                - Email Address
                - If you work part time or
                flexible work arrangement
                please include this as well

                                                                                 Click here to return
                                                                                 to your calendar!

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