Page 56 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
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Year       Cash in Flow       CoF in adj infl 2,3%   Net Cash in Flow   Rate   Present Value
                            Investment                                                      (Rp1.300.000.000.000)
                 2022       Rp1.603.591.736.800   Rp1.280.384.831.250,00   323.206.905.550    0,8000    Rp258.565.524.440
                 2023       Rp1.603.591.736.800   Rp1.280.384.831.250,00   323.206.905.550    0,6400   Rp206.852.419.552
                 2024       Rp1.603.591.736.800   Rp1.280.384.831.250,00   323.206.905.550    0,5120   Rp165.481.935.642

                 2025       Rp1.603.591.736.800   Rp1.280.384.831.250,00   323.206.905.550    0,4096   Rp132.385.548.513
                 2026       Rp1.603.591.736.800   Rp1.280.384.831.250,00   323.206.905.550    0,3277   Rp105.908.438.811
                 2027       Rp1.603.591.736.800   Rp1.280.384.831.250,00   323.206.905.550    0,2621   Rp84.726.751.048
                 2028       Rp1.603.591.736.800   Rp1.280.384.831.250,00   323.206.905.550    0,2097   Rp67.781.400.839

                 2029       Rp1.603.591.736.800   Rp1.280.384.831.250,00   323.206.905.550    0,1678   Rp54.225.120.671
                 2030       Rp1.603.591.736.800   Rp1.280.384.831.250,00   323.206.905.550    0,1342   Rp43.380.096.537

                 2031       Rp1.603.591.736.800   Rp1.280.384.831.250,00   323.206.905.550    0,1074   Rp34.704.077.229
                       16.035.917.368.000    12.803.848.312.500          -Rp145.988.686.718

               3.7.4. Container Port

                      Based  on  the  cash  management  study  at  PT  Pelindo  Indonesia  branch
               Parepare in 2014-2017, according to Hasdiana (Hasdiana, 2021), the cash receipts

               experienced  fluctuation.  From  the  results  of  cash  management  at  PT  Pelindo
               Indonesia branch Parepare in 2014-2017, it is known that the receipt cash inflow of the

               companies is from the activity of operation. For the construction of containers and port
               activities, it is necessary to consider waiting for investment in fertilizers, warehousing

               and grain milling to draw analysis.

               3.2.   Conclusion

                      The project of organic fertilizer is feasible to continue with the positive net pre-

               sent value (NPV), the internal rate of return (IRR) within the NPV rate, the payback,
               the profitability index, and return on investment are also feasible, according to the anal-

               ysis of the investment opportunity in organic fertilizer of the investment of Rp500 billion,

               which  includes  the  SWOT  Analysis  and  the  Financial  Analysis.  The  analysis  also
               demonstrates that the investments of Rp3,2 trillion in the Warehouse Receipt System

               Investment and Rp1.3 trillion in Rice Processing and Milling are both profitable in terms
               of net present value (NPV), the internal rate of return (IRR) is higher than the NPV rate,

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