Page 22 - Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering: Annual Report
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FACULTY NEWS FACULTY NEWS Award s s Recognitions
Rachel Brennan was promoted to full professor A faculty member since 2004 was was also recently recognized with Brennan received a a a a a a a a a a a a a a doctoral degree in in in in reviewer awards from from the Transportation
environmental engineering from from University Research Board’s Traffic Flow Theory
of of of Illinois at at at at Urbana-Champaign She is is is the the the and and Characteristics Committee and and the the the director of of of the the the the Water-Energy-Food Nexus International Journal of of of Transportation
Initiative and and the the Drawdown Scholars Science and and Technology Experiences for Undergraduates Program
and chairs the the College of of of Engineering Assistant Professor Xianbiao Hu was Sustainability Council Brennan’s research named excellent associate editor of of of of the the interests include ecological wastewater International Journal of of of Transportation
treatment bioremediation of of soil and and and and Science and and and and Technology The journal groundwater contaminants and and and and and nutrient covers research and and and and and activity related to to recovery for the production of fertilizers automotive engineering engineering civil and and and and structural and and and and fodder engineering engineering management monitoring policy and and law and and transportation Hu’s Associate Professor Vikash Gayah research focuses on on smart mobility systems received the the Premiere Teaching Award investigating how technology can be used from the the the Penn State Engineering Alumni to to create safer and more efficient ways
to to Society (PSEAS) The award recognizes an individual with excellent contributions to engineering education at at at Penn State Gayah teaches a a a a a a a a a a a number of courses in in in in in transportation engineering at at at Penn State including CE CE CE 321: Highway Engineering CE CE CE CE 423: Traffic Traffic Operations CE CE CE CE 522: Traffic Traffic Flow Theory
and and Simulation CE CE CE CE 525 Transportation
Operations and and CE CE 528 Transportation
Safety Analysis as as well as as CE CE 597 a a a a a a a a a a a a a seminar course that prepares senior graduate students to enter the job market Ilgin Guler was promoted to associate professor A faculty member since 2015 Guler received a a a a a doctoral degree in in in in civil and environmental engineering from the University of California Berkeley Her research interests include multi-modal urban transportation transportation transportation public transportation transportation transportation transportation transportation transportation safety statistical modeling and infrastructure management Guler travel especially behind the driver’s seat Suresh Iyer Iyer was promoted to research professor Iyer Iyer has been an an affiliated faculty member with the Larson Transportation
Institute since 2005 after receiving a a a a a a a a mechanical engineering doctorate from Penn State in in in in in the same year Research interests for for Iyer include optical methods for for the determination of soot characteristics in in flames and and particulate and and gaseous emission measurements of heavy duty engines Bruce Logan
Evan Pugh University Professor Professor and and Kappe Professor Professor of of of Civil and and Environmental Engineering was appointed to the Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center’s advisory committee The center focuses its research on on carbon capture storage and reuse Logan’s term on the seven-member committee 22 22 CEE NEWSLETTER • VOLUME 38 2022