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                                       CREDIT COMMITTEE REPORT


                                            W     ith  the  continuous  reduction  in  interest  rates,  all  financial
                                            institutions were forced to increase the number and dollar value of loans
                                            to  maintain  sustainability.  This  resulted  in  institutions,  such  as  the
                                            commercial banks, aggressively seeking to gain new borrowers at the
                                            expense of other institutions inclusive of Credit Unions. This has added
                                            to other challenges namely, the impending implementation of the Bank
                                            of  Jamaica  regulations,  the  Banking  Act  and  IFRS9  accounting
                                            In an effort to satisfy our members needs while maintaining a competitive
                                            edge, Manchester Co-operative Credit Union (1977) Limited reviewed our
                                            policies and procedures. Our staff compliment was also increased in the
                                            Credit department to improve our service delivery and efficiency. These
                 RAYMOND HARPER
                      Chairman              measures allowed our members to have greater access to loans while
                                            improving their personal development.

            The Credit Union was able to achieve a growth in the loan portfolio of 10.86% while simultaneously
            reducing the delinquency rate. This was made possible with the combined efforts of committed staff and
            loyal members.

            Profile of Loans Disbursed by Purpose

            The following chart displays the top five categories of loans disbursed by purpose during the year in
            review. Motor Vehicle purchases accounted for the largest category disbursed in 2017 at $301 million
            and 24% of the dollar value disbursed for 2017. Home Improvement, Debt Consolidation, Educational
            Expense and Business Investment complete the top 5 list of purposes for loans disbursed.

            88                                                                               ANNUAL REPORT 2017
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93