Page 92 - MCCU
P. 92
Credit Committee Members Attendance for 2017
The Credit Committee and Sub-Credit Committee held Twenty-seven (27) and Eighteen (18) meetings
respectively during the year under review and the attendance of the members are listed below:
Credit Committee Possible Meetings Attended Excused Absent
Mr. Churton Douglas 27 20 7 -
Mr. Raymond Harper 27 26 1 -
Mr. Clive Dunkley 27 21 6 -
Mrs. Vivinne Grant 27 23 4 -
Mr. Paul Grant 17 9 8 -
Mrs. Thelma Vassell 10 5 5 -
Sub-Credit Committee Possible Meetings Attended Excused Absent
Mr. Everard Harriott 18 15 3* -
Mr. Christopher Tyme 18 14 4* -
Mr. Paul Grant 8 7 1* -
Mrs. Helen Campbell-Wint 10 7 3*
*Note: A member of the Credit Committee was a part of the meeting.
The members of the Credit Committee are grateful for the opportunity given to serve in this capacity.
The invaluable support given by the Board of Directors, all committees, the management team and the
staff members, particularly those of the Credit Department, was appreciated. The combined efforts have
enabled the Credit Union to continue to offer excellent products and services to the membership at
competitive and affordable rates.
We will also take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to our members, for choosing
Manchester Co-operative Credit Union (1977) Limited to be your financial partner. Your support and co-
operation has been the driving force behind the continued success of the Credit Union.
We look forward to serving you in 2018 and beyond with God's guiding wisdom and strength while we
continue to give of our best service as true co-operators.
R a y m o n d H a r p e
Raymond Harperr
C h a i r r r m a n