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               encashed  cheques,  lodgement  slips,  bank            The audit of staff and volunteers’ loans revealed
               statements,  credit  memos  and  other  related        general  compliance  with  the  Loans  Policy  and
               documents. Three (3) deficiencies were observed        established procedures of the Credit Union for the
               and recommendations were advanced to include           granting of loans. Review of the loans revealed
               formulation  of  a  documented  policies  and          that  Staff  and  Volunteer  loans  were  accurately
               procedures  manual  for  the  Accounting  Depart-      generated  and  adequately  managed.  The
               ment.  This  process  has  been  initiated  by  the    exceptions  were  brought  to  the  attention  of
               Accounting Department and, if conformed with will      management,  anomalies  were  observed  and  a
               eliminate/mitigate  future  issues  of  a  similar     follow-up audit is to be initiated.
                                                                      Deceased Members Account
               Cash Counts, ATM Counts and Treasury
               Counts                                                 The  objective  of  the  audit  was  to  ascertain
                                                                      whether proper procedures were followed in the
               These  counts  were  completed  for  each  quarter     handling of deceased member’s accounts.
               within  the  year  to  satisfy  the  Committee  that
               adequate controls governing the management of          This  examination  revealed  general  compliance
               cash and cash equivalents were in place and to         with the procedures of the Credit Union. There
               ensure that cash was properly accounted for and        were  however  a  few  exceptions  for  which
               adequately safeguarded.                                corrective  measures  have  been  recommended
                                                                      and management have since instituted measures
               There  were  no  exceptions  to  report  as  the       to address same.
               discrepancies observed were immaterial.
                                                                      Golden Harvest
               Members’ Loan
                                                                      The audit of Golden Harvest was done to ascertain
               The objectives of the Members’ Loans audit were        whether  the  conditions  of  the  Golden  Harvest
               to verify that the terms and interest rates on the     contract and savings plan were being met, and to
               loans are in accordance with the Loans’ Policy and     ensure  that  breached  accounts  were  properly
               applications as well as to ensure compliance with      closed.
               the Credit Union’s general Policies and Procedures.
                                                                      The  review  included  the  verification  of  interest
               The  audit  of  members’  loans  revealed  general     rates  paid  and  the  examination  of  contracts  to
               compliance with the Loans Policy and established       determine maturity dates. The audit revealed that
               procedures of the Credit Union. Recalculation of       most of the procedures were observed and the
               the loan balances revealed that payments were          interest rate correctly imputed. The exceptions
               up-to-date  and  reasonably  administered.  The        noted  were  brought  to  the  attention  of
               majority of exceptions noted were nominal and          management  with  recommendations.  These
               were  satisfactorily  corrected  and  adequate         exceptions  have  since  been  addressed  and
               measures are being put in place by Management          preventative    measures     put   in   place   by
               for  exceptions  that  could  not  have  been          Management.
                                                                      End of Day Teller Listing
               Staff and Volunteers’ Loan
                                                                      The  objectives  of  the  audit  was  to  ascertain
               The  objectives  of  the  audit  of  the  Staff  and   whether  transactions  were  authentic  and  the
               Volunteers’ Loans were to verify that the terms        relevant  documents  that  were  generated
               and interest rates on the loans are in accordance      correlated  to  that  of  the  system  and  all
               to the Loans’ Policy and applications as well as to    documents  that  would  have  furnished  by  the
               ensure compliance with the Credit Union’s general      member.
               Policies and Procedures established for Staff and

               “Where Service Exceeds Expectation”
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