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            The transactions were found to be authentic and        Proceed of Crime Act-Regulative
            the majority of the signatures on the withdrawal       Reporting Requirements
            slips match to the signatures that were presented
            on  the  signature  cards.  There  were  a  few        The objective of the audit was to ensure that the
            exceptions    that   were    noted    for   which      Credit  Union  was  in  compliance  with  the  POCA
            Management was made aware.                             regulative reporting requirements.
                                                                   The audit revealed general compliance with the
            Blank Cheques Review for 2016                          established  Policies  and  Procedures  of  the
                                                                   Proceeds of Crime Act.
            The  Blank  Cheque  review  was  conducted  to
            ascertain if adequate security measures were in        PEARLS
            place for the security of blank cheques.
                                                                   PEARLS  is  a  management  tool  that  is  used  to
            During the review it was witnessed that security       monitor the performance of the Credit Union.  The
            measures are in place, however, the Committee          use  of  this  system  permits  management  to
            observed  that  there  was  a  need  to  strengthen    quickly and accurately pinpoint areas of concern
            security  to  ensure  that  Blank  Cheques  are        and  to  make  the  necessary  adjustments  to
            adequately safeguarded. Recommendations were           resolve these issues before the Organization is
            made to management to address the downfalls in         impacted negatively. PEARLS also eliminate the
            the security measures that have been observed.         diverse criteria used on Credit Unions to evaluate
            There were subsequent implementation of some           their  performance  and  facilitates  supervisory
            recommendations  provided  with  plans  of             control.
            additional control measures to be implemented.
            Management also noted that the Member Service          The audits were carried out to ascertain if the Key
            Policy  and  Procedures  document  is  presently       Areas of the Credit Union’s Operation meet the
            being developed which would aid in eliminating         Standard set by PEARLS Monitoring System.
            some concerns raised.
                                                                   The audit revealed that the Credit Union met and
            The BOJ (CU) Regulations 2011 (Draft)                  surpassed  most  of  the  standards  set  by  the
                                                                   League  and  even  the  internal  projections.
            A compliance review of The BOJ(CU) Regulations         Management has committed to investigate and
            2011  (Draft)  was  conducted  to  identify  the       develop possible strategies that can be employed
            requirements  necessary  re:  Licensing  and           to  raise  the  standards  that  fell  below  the
            operational readiness to become compliant with         standards set by the League.
            the Bank of Jamaica's Standard of Sound Business
            Practices,  BOJ  Licensing  Requirements  for          Debit Service Management
            Deposits Taking Entities. This process included the
            review      of      the      applicable      BOJ       The audit objective was to ensure all procedures
            regulations/requirements to identify all the areas     were adhered to as it relates to management and
            in  which  the  Credit  Union  is  presently  non-     control of Debit Card Services.
            compliant and therefore needs to be addressed.
                                                                   The review highlighted several areas of concerns,
            The findings of the investigation revealed that not    which management has since employed measures
            all the Policies and Procedures are currently in       to  ensure  that  the  guidelines  that  have  been
            place  or  up-to-date.  Management  is  working        established are implemented and adhered to by
            assiduously     in   the    development       and      all the departments involved.
            implementation  of  the  necessary  Policies  and
            Procedures    to    ensure    that    Manchester       Payroll
            Cooperative surpasses the compliance readiness
            recommendations highlighted.                           The  objectives  for  the  examination  of  salaries
                                                                   were  to  ensure  appropriate  dissemination  of
                                                                   salaries  and  to  verify  that  salary  rates  were

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