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Before we Begin

                                                                                            I had always hoped to have my father’s poems in one
                                                                                            place and to create a collection of memories, as he and
                                                                                            I had discussed before his passing in 1986. In 2020, I
                                                                                            began my project to collate his poems, printed here in
                                                                                            Now we are Young, Now we are Learning and Now we are
                                                                                            Older. From the birth of his first grandchild in 1979 to
                                                                                            Joe’s passing in 1986, he recorded his observations of life
                                                                                            – theirs and his own – in these verses.
                                                                                              Growing up with Grandpa takes us on a journey
                                                                                            through Joe’s grandchildren’s early years to the place
                                                                                            where he viewed his own life. His varied career spent as
                                                                                            an officer in the RAF, a secondary school English teacher
                                                                                            and a principal in further education, as well as his own
                                                                                            experience as a father and a grandfather, afforded him
                                                                                            the opportunity to observe the world around him. He
                                                                                            loved nature, music and the English language and his
                                                                                            humour and loving patience led him to notice even the
                                                                                            smallest of details. He wrote about the time Andrew had
                                                                                            mumps, Nicola fell over at school, and when Richard
                                                                                            went on holiday to Morocco. But he also wrote about
                                                                                            his own advancing life, and here we see his personal
                                                                                            experience as darkness slowly descended. He wrote
               The house in South Wales, illustrated here by J.W.W. Forsyth,                about the politics of despair and unrest of 1984, the
               is where Andrew Ross Wearmouth was born. It was a place of                   importance of time, and the loss of loved ones.
                             peace and tranquility.
                                                                                              In the poems printed here, Joe’s words give us an
                                                                                            insight into his life, his family and his last years.

                                                                                            Neil Forsyth, 2022

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