Page 12 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 12


                                                                                             Now we are Young
                                                                                              Billy                              3
                                                                                              Cecil the Citroen                  6
                                                                                              Apologies to Tiny Tim              14
                                                                                              Further Apologies to Tiny Tim      17
                                                                                              Mumps                              18
                                                                                              Chicken Pox                        21

                                                                                             Now we are Learning
                                                                                              Our Fifth Birthdays                25
                                                                                              First Accident at School           28
                                                                                              Reply to an Invitation             30
                                                                                              I Think                            33
                                                                                              December 1985                      36
                                                                                              January 1983                       38

                                                                                             Now we are Older
                                                                                              The Queen’s Awards                 45
                                                                                              Not ‘As You Like It’ Jaques        46
                                                                                              Death of an Elm                    48
                                                                                              A Minor Dispute?                   51
                                                                                              In Search of Ugliness              53
                                                                                              Four Days – And Still No Word      58
                                                                                              Care                               60
                                                                                              Time                               62
                                                                                              A Poem with a Very Long Title      65
                                                                                              Untitled                           70

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