Page 85 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 85


 Amidst the paraphernalia of natal units –  This is my home – but
 High frequency sound waves,  Oh for the day when
 Disinfectant, hormone drips,   “Like a roe” I too
 Masked midwives resplendent in   “Can bound o’er the mountains
   their ghostly gear –   By the sides of the deep rivers”
 Amidst every clinical aid –   Yelling to the resounding hills –
 We were born.           This is my
 Regency city it stands, overlooking the Avon –
 Smashed by the Hun
 Sending Dornier death by the tonne.
 We were born there
 Ere the moon had risen on the seventh day
 Away from the Julian din,
 Remote and peaceful
 In seventy-nine.
 More peaceful even than the Meads,
 Over to the Veddw – sheltering
 ’Neath the beech and fir –
 There real solitude to be found.
 Here I shall stay.

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