Page 8 - myStory-myJourney (Demo 1)_Neat
P. 8

myStory-myJourney (Rev 2.1)
                 […………………………………………………………THE REST OF THE STORY……………………………………………….……..]
                    In 1970, I returned to the states with my new wife and stepdaughter, Lesley. First to Palo Alto,
                  California, and then to San Antonio, Texas for advances computer training, and to wait for the birth
                       of my daughter, Danielle. When Danielle was old enough to travel (about 3 months old).
                 […………………………………………………………THE REST OF THE STORY……………………………………………….……..]
                        During the wait my wife, Sheila and my adopted daughter, Lesley became US ci zens.
                 […………………………………………………………THE REST OF THE STORY……………………………………………….……..]
                  In 1971 I was sent to The Seychelles Islands, in the Indian Ocean, with my family, as Computer Area
                 Supervisor. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
                                              In 1973 Sheila and I were divorced.
                 […………………………………………………………THE REST OF THE STORY……………………………………………….……..]
                     In 1975 I married Mary Lesperance. We lived in the Seychelles un l 1980. We then moved to
                      Sunnyvale, California with my new family, her son Eddy, brother, Paul, and sister, Mimish.
                 […………………………………………………………THE REST OF THE STORY……………………………………………….……..]
                 In 1980 resigned from Ford Aerospace and joined System Development Coopera on, Senior System
                 Analyst Project Managers of the so ware development and configura on management program for
                                           the satellite Remote Tracking Sta on (RTS).
                 […………………………………………………………THE REST OF THE STORY……………………………………………….……..]
                                               In 1986 Mary and I were divorced.
                 […………………………………………………………THE REST OF THE STORY……………………………………………….……..]
                   In 1987 I le  SDC to start my own consul ng business, The Informa on Management Company
                 (IMco) in Bal more Maryland. Business was pre y slow un l I got a contract with Detacon Al Sauda.
                  In Saudi Arabia, as Senior System Analyst and Project Coordinator on the Saudi Arabia Ministry of
                                        Communica on Frequency Management Project.
                                              1994 – 20--: My Re rement Timeline
                                                      (To be con nued…)
                 […………………………………………………………THE REST OF THE STORY……………………………………………….……..]
                 […………………………………………………………THE REST OF THE STORY……………………………………………….……..]

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