Page 31 - Book Math Teaching Aid Experiment_Flip Pdf_Kevin Marito Sihombing
P. 31

4.  Canva Live

                       For those who want to make presentations online, you can use Canva

                       Live.  With  this  feature,  we  don't  need  to  set  up  another  video

                       conferencing  platform  to  hold  online  presentations.  An  important

                       use of Canva's feature is to increase audience participation to make

                       presentations more interactive. For example, the audience can send

                       reactions,  comments,  and  questions  during  the  presentation.  This

                       feature is secure because anyone who wants to join the presentation

                       must enter your 6-digit code on

                   5.  Text Customization

                       We  can  create  documents  and  other  textual  files.  In  text

                       customization, we can also choose the type of font, color, size, and

                       animation effect so that the document looks more dynamic.

                   6.  Canva Teams

                       The  design  process  can  be  done  individually  or  in  groups.  In  the

                       Canva  app,  there  is  the  Canva  Teams  feature  for  communication

                       needs  with  other  members  of  the  design  team.  We  simply  invite

                       team members and setting access permission settings into the editor

                       page, the design team will collaborate with each other to create the

                       best design.

                   7.  Design and Photo Grid

                       The existence of a design and photo grid feature is very helpful in

                       photo editing. Starting from beautifying it with filters or with a grid

                       that  serves  to  adjust  the  layout  of  the  photo  to  make  it  more

                       presentable. This grid feature is also available in various layouts and

                       number of frames, ranging from 2-grid to a maximum of 16-grid.

                   8.  Frame Design
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