Page 63 - Book Math Teaching Aid Experiment_Flip Pdf_Kevin Marito Sihombing
P. 63

View; to set the worksheet appearance, Colors; determine the color

                       used when editing, Option; another tool for editing images.

                   3.  Timeline

                       Timeline  is  a  component  to  set  or  control  the  course  of  the

                       animation. The Timeline consists of several layers. Layers are used

                       to  place  one  or  several  objects  on  the  stage  so  that  they  can  be

                       processed with other objects. Each layer consists of frames that are

                       used to set the speed of the animation. The longer the frame in the

                       layer, the longer the animation will run.

                   4.  Stage

                       The  stage  is  where  an  animator  works  on  Macromedia  Flash  8,

                       because the stage is the area that contains all the image entries that

                       make  up  a  flash  movie.  Stage  is  used  to  play  objects  that  will  be

                       animated. In the stage we can create images, text, color and others.

                   5.  Panel

                       In Macromedia Flash 8  there are many panels that can be used to

                       create  Flash  animations.  Several  important  panels  in  Macromedia

                       Flash  8  include  panels:  Properties,  Filters  &  Parameters,  Actions,

                       Library, Color and Align & Info & Transform.

                            Properties

                              The  Properties  panel  will  change  appearance  and  function

                              according to which part is being activated. For example, if you

                              are  activating  the  Line  tool,  what  appears  in  the  properties

                              window are functions to set  the line, such as the size of  the

                              line, the shape of the line, and the color of the line. This panel

                              is  useful  for  giving  <<  instance  Name  >>  to  Movie  Clip,
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