Page 68 - Book Math Teaching Aid Experiment_Flip Pdf_Kevin Marito Sihombing
P. 68

7.  To add a layer, we can click insert layer. Then to change the name,

                       double click the layer, then type the name of the layer.

                   8.  To add text, select the text tool. In the properties section, we can set

                       the  type  of  text,  static  text  for  text  that  is  not  given  an  action,

                       dynamic text for text that is connected to the program and will be

                       filled in automatically, and input text for text that can be filled in the

                       results of the Macromedia Flash project that was created.

                   9.  To  make  a  box  in  the  loading  scene,  we  first  create  a  box  object

                       using the rectangle tool. Then, hover over the stage. Draw squares

                       on  the  stage.  To  enlarge  or  reduce  the  box,  we  can  use  the  free

                       transform tool. We can also adjust the color of the box we created

                       using the fill color tool.
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