Page 69 - Book Math Teaching Aid Experiment_Flip Pdf_Kevin Marito Sihombing
P. 69

10.        To  animate  the  box,  click  create  motion  tween  on  the  box

                       frame. Then, move the midpoint of the box to the beginning of the

                       box. Then, drag the end of the square to the start of the square. Next,

                       at frame 80, click insert keyframe. Then, pull the box back to the end

                       of the box.

                   11.        So that after finishing loading we immediately move on to the

                       next scene, namely the menu, we can give the loading action. The

                       trick is, on the box layer, right click on frame 80 > select actions >

                       Action  script  appears  >  Type  gotoAndStop("menu",  1);  >  Click

                       Check syntax to check whether the script created is correct > If there

                       are no errors, then click ok.
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