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VOLUME 01, 2020                                                 “                                                       VOLUME 01, 2020
                                                                           2020 is the time for                                                                                               Featured
                                                           transformation-from clinical

                                            excellence to patient empowement.                                                                                                                                     topic

                                                              We, at Aster, is committed

                                                                            to lead this journey

                                                                               of empowerment                          “            How our team saved
                                                                                                                                    a young man’s life by

                                                          Message from                                                              performing ECPR at

                                                                                                   CEO                              emergency department

      For me, Aster Medcity is the fulfillment of a dream nurtured deep in my heart, ever since I visited the Mayo
      Clinic ten years ago - the dream to create a state-of-the-arthealthcare destination, which, one day, will
      become the preferred destination for advanced medical care for patients from across the world. With such
      a lofty goal, Aster Medcity had to be conceptualised differently from existing hospitals in India - which is why
      this facility was designed as a comprehensive medical township, which will have a Core Hospital and many
      Centers of Excellence (CoEs). With academics, an outstanding range of           support                    services              and accommodation
      thrown in for a large population who will become part of this environment over an extended period of time,
      Aster Medcity will evolve to be a unique, one-of-its-kind medical ecosystem.

      We’ve started the journey by establishing eight Centers of Excellence in the first phase with 670 beds, and
      hope to add on more COEs and other facilities in the coming years. Though I realize the arduousness of the
      road we’ve embarked on, I am excited about driving this project ahead and giving it all it takes, keeping in mind
                                                                                                                                     Jose Biju, who works as a driver with an online taxi
      that in the journey towards excellence, there is no finishing line.

      Aster Medcity, located in a very picturesque location in Kochi, the business capital of God’s Own Country, is                  service, had a persistent burning sensation in his
      already home to highly skilled doctors. With the most advanced technology for diagnostics and therapeutics,                    chest since the morning of November 1, the day of
      Aster Medcity has attracted many highly skilled healthcare professionals from abroad as well as the rest of                    the incident.
      India, catalyzing considerablereverse brain drain.
                                                                                                                                     Kerala is known the world over as a destination for wellness-tourism based on the tradi-
      Kerala is known the world over as a destination for wellness-tourism based on the traditional system of                        tional system of Ayurveda. Aster Medcity will create a paradigm shift by focusing on main-
      Ayurveda. Aster Medcity will create a paradigm shift by focusing on mainstream modern medical treatment,                       stream modern medical treatment, thus placing Kerala firmly on the global Medical Value
      thus placing Kerala firmly on the global Medical Value Travel map.
                                                                                                                                     Travel map.Kerala is known the world over as a destination for wellness-tourism based on
                                                                                                                                     the traditional system of Ayurveda. Aster Medcity will create a paradigm shift by focusing
                                                                                                                                     on mainstream modern medical treatment, thus placing Kerala firmly on the global Medical
                                                           Commander Jelson A Kavalakkat (Retd)                                      Value Travel map.

                                                                                                      VIBES                                                                                                                   VIBES
     1                                                                                                     HEALTH INSIGHTS  2                                                                                                      HEALTH INSIGHTS
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