P. 3
VOLUME 01, 2020 VOLUME 01, 2020
topic Everyday
Kerala is known the world over as a destination Kerala is known the world over as a destination
for wellness-tourism based on the traditional for wellness-tourism based on the traditional
system of Ayurveda. Aster Medcity will create a system of Ayurveda. Aster Medcity will create a
paradigm shift by focusing on mainstream paradigm shift by focusing on mainstream Q Is there a alternative for sugar?
modern medical treatment, thus placing Kerala modern medical treatment, thus placing Kerala
firmly on the global Medical Value Travel map.- firmly on the global Medical Value Travel map.-
Kerala is known the world over as a destination Kerala is known the world over as a destination
for wellness-tourism based on the traditional for wellness-tourism based on the traditional
system of Ayurveda. Aster Medcity will create a system of Ayurveda. Aster Medcity will create a A destination for wellness-tourism based on the traditional system of Ayurve-
da. Aster Medcity will create a paradigm shift by focusing on mainstream
paradigm shift by focusing on mainstream paradigm shift by focusing on mainstream modern medical treatment, thus placing Kerala firmly on the global Medical
modern medical treatment, thus placing Kerala modern medical treatment, thus placing Kerala Value Travel map.Kerala is known the world over as a destination for well-
firmly on the global Medical Value Travel map. firmly on the global Medical Value Travel map. ness-tourism based on the traditional system of Ayurveda. Aster Medcity will
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi- create a paradigm shift by focusing on mainstream modern medical treat-
scing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut scing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut ment, thus placing Kerala firmly on the global Medical Value Travel map.
labore et dolore magna aliqua. labore et dolore magna aliqua.Aster Medcity will
create a paradigm shift by focusing on main-
What is ECMO stream modern medical treatment, thus placing
Kerala firmly on the global Medical Value Travel
map.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Kerala is known the world over as a destination adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi-
for wellness-tourism based on the traditional dunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Aster EATING SUGAR CAN
system of Ayurveda. Aster Medcity will create a Medcity will create a paradigm Aster Medcity will GIVE YOU WRINKLES.
paradigm shift by focusing on mainstream create a paradigm shift by focusing on main an
modern medical treatment, thus placing Kerala
firmly on the global Medical Value Travel map.- OVERCONSUMPTION
Kerala is known the world over as a destination The procedure OF SUGAR HAS BEEN LINKED
for wellness-tourism based on the traditional TO LOWER COGNITIVE
system of Ayurveda. Aster Medcity will create a Kerala is known the world over as a destination
paradigm shift by focusing on mainstream for wellness-tourism based on the traditional ABILITIES
modern medical treatment, thus placing Kerala system of Ayurveda. Aster Medcity will create a
firmly on the global Medical Value Travel map. paradigm shift by focusing on mainstream YOUR IMMUNE FUNCTION
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi- modern medical treatment, thus placing Kerala
scing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut firmly on the global Medical Value Travel map.- CAN BE AFFECTED BY
labore et dolore magna aliqua.Aster Medcity will Kerala is known the world over as a destination SUGAR
create a paradigm shift by focusing on main- for wellness-tourism based on the traditional
stream modern medical treatment, thus placing system of Ayurveda. Aster Medcity will create a
Kerala firmly on the global Medical Value Travel paradigm shift by focusing on mainstream
map.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur modern medical treatment, thus placing Kerala
adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi- firmly on the global Medical Value Travel map.
dunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Aster Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi-
Medcity will create a paradigm Aster Medcity will scing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
create a paradigm shift by focusing on main labore et dolore magna aliqua.Aster Medcity will
3 VIBES 4 Answer:Anandibai Gopalrao Joshi VIBES