P. 5
How can we make playing What you can do when you
safer for children? suspect chocking in your
child? For a child under
Teach the child not to put small objects
between their lips or in their mouths. Check the 1 year
child’s play area o en for choking hazards
and quickly remove them. Recognition is very important. Someone
who is choking may be clutching at their
Be extra watchful at parties and holidays, chest or neck and won’t be able to speak,
when balloons or small toys may be breathe or cough. In many young infants,
around. there may not be a specific history.Watch out
for coughing spells or episodes immediately
How can we make eating a er or during eating.
saferfor young children
and toddlers? Step 1
Give up to five back blows: hold the baby
Always supervise young babies and children face-down along your thigh with their head
when they are eating. lower than their bottom. Hit them firmly on
their back between the shoulder blades up
O er food in small amounts to to five times. If back blows do not dislodge
prevent children from putting too the blockage, move on to step 2.
much food in their mouths.
Do not give hard, crunchy foods Step 2
to a child until they are at least Give up to five chest thrusts: turn the baby
4 years old over so they are facing upwards. Place two
Make sure the child is awake fingers in the middle of their chest just
and alert before o ering below the nipples. Push sharply downwards
them food. up to five times.
Have children sit up while eating
and drinking. Child over one year:
If a child is laughing or crying,
settle them before o ering Give up to five back blows: hit them
them food. firmly on their back between the
shoulder blades. If back blows
When should parents /carers do not dislodge the object, move on
and health care professionals to step 2.
consider choking in their Give up to five abdominal thrusts
child? (Heimlich maneuver) : hold the child
around the waist and pull inwards
Recognition is very important. Someone and upwards above their belly button.
who is choking may be clutching at their
chest or neck and won’t be able to speak, Can I do abdominal thrusts
breathe or cough. In many young infants,
there may not be a specific history. Watch (Heimlich maneuver) on a baby?
out for coughing spells or episodes immediately No, please don’t squeeze a baby’s tummy.
a er or during eating.If the child is able to Abdominal thrusts are recommended to
cry and has a loud voice, it is unlikely that help choking children>1 yr and adults only.
they have a foreign body obstructing their
airway (breathing pipe).
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