Page 21 - 2024 Summer
P. 21

Adult Activities

       SMART RETIREMENT                                                                   J O B E R T @ B H H S P R O . C O M
       SERIES                                                                                       3 3 0 - 3 1 0 - 9 6 5 9

       Instructor: James C. Sexton III, CFP®, CFS with
       Western Reserve Capital Management

       Are you planning to retire or already
       retired?  Do you have questions about where
       and how to invest your retirement assets                       Jessie Obert
       in this environment of market volatility and
       uncertainty? Do you know how to take income
       from your retirement accounts in a tax-efficient
       manner? Rather than entering retirement
       guessing the answers to these life-changing
       financial questions, come spend two focused
       hours concentrating on critical retirement                   Y o u r   1 s t   C h o i c e   f o r   H u d s o n   R e a l   E s t a t e
       and investment issues, designed to help you
       become financially aware in this complex and                            PAID ADVERTISEMENT
       challenging environment.
       Fee:  $15 per individual  /  $20 per couple     BEGINNER GOLF FOR ADULTS
       Tuesday, June 4                                 Instructor: Ellsworth Meadows Golf Staff
       6:30- 8:30 p.m.
       Retirement Income & Tax Strategies              Success in golf depends largely on learning to play correctly from the
       and                                             start. Have fun while learning the fundamentals of golf. The following
                                                       subject areas will be covered in this group instruction class; golf terms
       Wednesday, June 5                               and etiquette, understanding equipment, pre-swing and in-swing
       6:30- 8:30 p.m.                                 techniques, chipping and putting and playing procedures. Bring a 6,
       Investments & Withdrawal Strategies             7 iron or whatever it takes to the first class. Golf balls provided. Max
         Hudson High School                            enrollment is 12, please register early.
                                                       *Camp registration closes the Thursday before the following week*
                                                       Fee: $125
         ADULT TENNIS                                  4 Weeks, Mondays
         FUNDAMENTALS                                  July 1  – 22
                                                       6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
         (START/RESTART)                               Ellsworth Meadow Golf Course,
         Instructor: Morgan Tennis                     1101 Barlow Road
         This learn to play program for men
         and women (18 and over) will feature
         instruction on grips, swing patterns,
         scoring, and basic strategies. This
         program is for new players or players
         returning to the game after an extended                      When I say “good,”
         time away from the game.
         Fee: $119                                                    you say “neighbor.”
         Tuesdays & Thursdays
         June 4 – 27  |  9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
         Hudson High School Tennis Courts
                                                   Rachelle Salem, Agent  Now that's teamwork.
                                                   126 W Streetsboro Street
                                                   Hudson, OH  44236  CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7
                                                   Bus: 330-653-3033

                                                   P097314.1             State Farm Home Office, Bloomington, IL                                             PAID ADVERTISEMENT                      19
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