Page 18 - 2024 Summer
P. 18
Sports Camps
(Entering grades 3-9) TRACK AND FIELD
Coach: Jeff Hildebrand PROGRAM
Learn the finer points of track and field from Hudson (Entering grades 1-6)
coach, Jeff Hildebrand. Coach Hildebrand will conduct Coach: Jump Start Sports
this week long camp to help you expand your abilities in
track and field. This is a great starting point for running Get on the “fast track” to track and field.
track and field events, cross country or just enjoying the Experienced coaches teach children proper
techniques for running, jumping, and throwing
activities track and field has to offer. Learn the teamwork events in this fun “mini-class”. Events include age
of passing the baton, understanding relays, sprints, appropriate instruction and competition for sprints,
jumps and more. Camp registration closes the Thursday mid distance, long distance, hurdles, relays, long
before the following week. jump, and javelin throw. The program will consist of
Fee: $125 three weeks of instruction in all events and a multi
Monday – Thursday community track meet. Sportsmanship and the
June 3 – 6 | 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Olympic ideals will be emphasized. All competition
Lavelli Field, will be age and gender specific. Camp registration
closes the Thursday before the following week.
Hudson Middle School
Fee: $120
June 11, 18, and 25 | 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Community track meet on July 13
Lavelli Field, Hudson Middle School
16 Hudson Community Education and Recreation | Summer 2024