Page 13 - 2024 Summer
P. 13

Sports Camps

      YOUTH                                      VOLLEYBALL CAMP
      GOLF                                       (Grades 3-8)

                                                 Instructor: HHS Volleyball Head Coach Mike Maurer
      (Ages 10 – 14)
      Instructor: Ellsworth                      First Contact Camp                 first 2 hours with setters working on
      Meadows Teaching Staff                     First Contact Camp we will work on   footwork and the different sets they
      Success in golf depends                    all the first contacts in the game of   will need to know. Setters will then get
                                                                                    a 30 min break and be added to the
                                                 volleyball. That is Serving, Serve
      largely on learning to play correctly      Receive, and passing. We will go over  hitters after their break. The second
      from the start. Have fun while learning    the fundamentals of each skill  and   2 hours will be hitters and setters
      the fundamentals of golf. The following    have many reps during the camp. We   working together. Setters and hitters
      subject areas will be covered in this group   will split athletes based on age and   will get a lot of reps. We will split
      instruction class; golf terms and etiquette,   skill level to make sure the camp is   athletes based on age and skill level
      understanding equipment, pre-swing and     challenging for everyone involved.  to make sure the camp is challenging
      in-swing techniques, chipping and putting                                     for everyone involved. Please contact
      and playing procedures. Bring a 6, 7 iron or   Fee: $150            
      whatever it takes to the first class. Golf balls   June 3 – 6  |  5:00 – 7:00 p.m.  with any questions if this camp is right
      provided. Limited to the first 12 golfers.  Serve & Hit Camp                  for you.
      Camp registration closes the Thursday before the   We will be working on serving and
      following week.                            hitting. This will include our standing   Hitters Fee: $150 / Setters Fee: $225
                                                                                    July 8 – 11  |  4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
      Fee: $145                                  and jump serve as well as the arm
      Wednesdays                                 swing approach and transitioning for   Pre Tryout Camp
      June 5 – July 3   |  1:00 – 2:00 p.m.      a hitter. We will even focus on the   With this camp we will spend the 1st
      Ellsworth Meadow Golf Course               fundamentals of the jump to help   day going over what a typical tryout
      1101 Barlow Road                           athletes jump higher and work on   could look like and tips and tricks to
                                                 injury prevention. We will split athletes   stick out and make a good impression
      BOYS & GIRLS                               based on age and skill level to make   on coaches while you tryout. Day 2
                                                 sure the camp is challenging for
      RUGBY CAMP                                 everyone involved.                 we will go through a camp tryout.
                                                                                    Day 3 we will decide on teams and
      (Entering grades 2-9)                      Fee: $150                          go through a practice with your team.
      Instructor: Hudson Rugby Club Coaches      June 10 – 13  |  5:00 – 7:00 p.m.  Day 4 we will play games against the
      Join the Hudson Rugby Club, its coaches,                                      teams in the camp.
      and High School players for half day       All Skills Camp
      sessions of fun that will emphasize rugby   All skills camp will be a camp designed   Fee: $300
      fundamentals, skill development, strategy   for Passing, serving, blocking, hitting,   July 22 – 25  |  4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
      and understanding the rules. The camp
      will have competitive sessions where       and setting. We will split athletes   Hudson 4’s Draw Tournament
      the focus is on playing as a team as well   based on age and skill level to make   This tournament is a draw style fours
      as maintaining respect for teammates,      sure the camp is challenging for   tournament, you will sign up with a
      coaches, and officials. Campers will be    everyone involved.                 friend. Make sure to pick a fun team
      broken out into groups based upon age      Fee: $150                          name and get paired with another
      and skill level. Camp sessions will include   June 17 – 20 (no camp 6/19)     group of two for each match. Your
      former College National Champion Rugby     5:00 – 7:00 p.m.                   paired team will change each match,
      players and current college players. 2nd-
      5th graders will be flag rugby. 6th-9th                                       but your overall ranking is based on
      graders will have some light contact drills   Elite Setting & Hitting Camp    the total points scored in each of your
      and instruction on proper rugby tackling   (Entering grades 7-12) This camp is   matches. Each round will be timed,
      technique.                                 not designed for beginners. Players   and points will be recorded. Note-only
      Fee: $125                                  should be in HS or have a minimum   one sign-up per team, please
      Monday – Thursday                          of 2 years of experience in JO at a   Fee: $65
      June 24 – 27  |  9 a.m. – 12 p.m.          national level. We will spend the   July 18  |  4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
      Lavelli Field
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18