Page 9 - 2024 Summer
P. 9

Enrichment Camps

                      HUDSON                       JR. HUDSON THEATER CAMP

                     THEATER                       (Entering grades 1 & 2)
                     CAMP                          Director: Russ Stich and Team
                                                   Join the cast of the Hudson Theater Camp in their production of Lights,
                    Entering grades 3-9            Camera, Action! This is a great camp for the beginning actor. Students
                   Instructor: Russ Stich and      will learn basic theater techniques as they prepare for the production.
                  Team                             Camp registration closes the Thursday before the following week.
                 If you enjoy the “Spotlight”,     Mon – Fri   |   June 24 – 28   |   9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
                 if singing, acting, dancing,
                crafts and having fun are          Fee: $95
               on your summer wish list,           Performances:
              the Hudson Theater Camp              Thursday, June 27 at 7:00 p.m. AND Friday, June 28 at 1:00 p.m.
             is the program for you! Meet          Hudson Middle School
            new friends, explore workshops
           in Acting, Voice, Dance, Crafts &
           Outdoor Activities! Be part of a
           fully staged musical production,        MAD SCIENCE®                      MAD SCIENCE®
           play theater games, enjoy guest         RED HOT ROBOTS!                   NASA: JOURNEY
        speakers and much more! Great              Entering grades 2-5               INTO OUTER SPACE
        for beginners and those with stage         Instructor: Mad Science           Entering grades K-5
        experience All students are assured a      Join Mad Science and our Radical   From our Earth’s atmosphere to the
        “speaking role” and the “opportunity       Robots for a scientific journey   outer reaches of our solar system,
        to shine” in our musical productions.      through circuitry and sensors.    this hands-on program sends them
        Before and after camp care is              Explore several different types of   on a quest for exploration! Comets,
        available. Min 20/Max 75                   robots....robots that follow lines   planets, stars and more are all
        Camp registration closes the Thursday      and sounds, robotic arms like the   waiting to be discovered. Learn
        before the following week.                 ones you see in the big factories on   about the four forces of flight, the
                                                   TV (well, smaller than that, but you   challenges of space travel,   and
        Session 1:  Far-out Fairytales             get the picture). You will even play   participate in a
        Mon – Fri  |  9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.        tag with robots that you control!   rocket launch.
        June 10 – 28                               Complete the camp by building your  Min 10/ Max 20
        (no camp 6/19 Juneteenth Day)              own robot to take home! This camp   Fee: $350
        PERFORMANCES:                              has a $30.00 robot supply fee.    Monday – Friday
        Thursday, June 27  |  7:00 p.m.            (Payable to Mad Science the first   Aug 5 – 9  |  9:00 a.m. –
        Friday, June 28  |  1:00 p.m.              day of camp) Min 10/ Max 20       3:00 p.m.
                                                   Fee: $350                         Hudson Middle School
        Session 2: Lights, Camera, Action!         Monday – Friday
        Mon – Fri  |  9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.        June 17 – 21  |  9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
                                                   (no camp 6/19)
        July 8 – 26
                                                   Hudson Middle School
        Thursday, July 25  |  7:00 p.m.         JOURNALISM CAMP
        Friday, July 26  |  1:00 p.m.
                                                (Entering grades 6-8)
        Session One Fee: $500
        Session Two Fee: $500                   Instructor: Melissa Lindley, English Department Instructional Leader, Aurora High School
                                                In this camp, students will delve into the world of written journalism, crafting
        Both Sessions: $850                     their very own newspaper utilizing Canva or a similar tool. Activities encompass
        (Must register for both sessions at     defining journalism, formulating interview queries, mastering interviewing techniques,
        same time)                              conducting interviews with notable figures in the community, drafting entertainment

        Hudson Middle School                    critiques, profiling personalities, and using Canva to design their newspaper.
                                                Fee: $130

                                                Monday – Thursday  |  June 24 – 27  |  9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
                                                Hudson Middle School                                                                                      7
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