Page 6 - 2024 Summer
P. 6


                                              HUDSON T-BIRDS TEE BALL
                                              (Ages 3-5)
                                              Instructor: Jump Start Sports Staff
                                              Players learn the basics of throwing, catching, fielding, batting, and base running,
           HUMMINGBIRDS                       and then apply what they have learned in fun, non-competitive games. Jump Start
           SOCCER                             Sports staff members conduct the instruction and oversee the game play while
                                              volunteer team coaches assist. Min. 10/Max. 96.

           (Ages 3 & 4, or 5 & 6)             Fee: $120 (includes hat, shirt and medal)
           Instructor:                        Friday Session
           Jump Start Sports Staff            June 7 – July 12  |  5:00 – 6:00 p.m. (same time each week)  OR
                                              Rotating schedule  |  6:00 – 7:00 p.m. or 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
           Children ages 3-6 years            Saturday Session
           olds have fun and learn the        June 8 – July 13  |  9:00 – 10:00 a.m. OR
           basics of soccer: dribbling,       10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Rotating schedule
           passing, trapping, shooting,       Classes begin at either 9 a.m. or 10 a.m. and are active for one hour.
           and positioning. Each session
           consists of instruction in         All teams will receive a schedule including both time periods.
           each aspect of the games,          Oak Grove T-Ball Fields, 2250 Barlow Road near Stow Rd.
           participation in fun drills that are
           designed to teach skills, and      HUDSON KIWANIS SAFETY TOWN
           low-key, non-competitive game.
           All coaching will be conducted     Coordinators: Officers Joe Giacomazza & Matt Price
           by Jump Start Sports staff. The    Safety Town is a Hudson tradition for students entering Kindergarten! Through fun
           children will be separated into    interactive activities children will be taught the proper way to cross a street, safe
           two “leagues”, (3 and 4 year       places to play, stranger danger, how and why to use safety belts, bus procedures, safe
           olds; and 5 and 6 year olds).      use of playground equipment and much more. Students will play games, learn songs
           Min. 8/Max. 100                    and make fun projects related to safety lessons. This program is a must for children
           Fee: $120                          entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2023. Registering online or in person
           Mondays                            beginning March 13th, 10am. Max. 75 of participants per session
           June 10 – July 15                  Fee: $75

           Ages 3 & 4                         Session A  June 3 – 7   |   8:00 – 11:00 a.m.
                                              Session B  June 3 – 7   |   12:00 – 3:00 p.m.
           5:00 – 6:00 p.m.                   Session C  June 10 – 14   |   12:00 – 3:00 p.m.
           (every week same time)             Session D  June 10 – 14   |   4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
           or                                 McDowell Early Learning School

           Ages 3-6
           Rotating schedule
           6:00 – 7:00 p.m. or                MUSIC IZZ GROOVY: GROOVY GROUP!
           7:00 – 8:00 p.m.                   Outdoor Edition!
           Each team will receive a           Ages 3-6
           schedule including both time       Instructor: Music Izz Groovy
                                              Groovy Group is 45-minute music and movement classes led by a Board-Certified
           East Woods Intermediate            Music Therapist that may include opportunities for instrument playing, singing,
           School Fields                      dancing, finger play, cuddle time, story time, and more! Children of all abilities are
                                                                                THE Hudson Realtor!
                                              encouraged to attend. Registration includes a weekly coloring page and other
                                                                                 PAID ADVERTISEMENT
                                              groovy materials for each child.
                                              Music Izz Groovy - Music Services, LLC is pleased to offer accessible music services
                                              to communities across Northeast Ohio. We aim to provide the highest quality of
                                              music therapy services, private lessons, and live music opportunities to individuals
                                              of all abilities, of all walks of life, and of all musical backgrounds - and always with
                                              kindness. Classes will be held outdoor weather permitting.
                                              Fee: $100
                                              Jun 6 – 27   |  10:00 –  10:45 a.m.
                                              Evamere Multipurpose Room

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