Page 4 - 2024 Summer
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Summer Explore Zone

                                                                         June 3 - August 9

              Explorer Zone
             Explorer Zone                                                   (No camps June 19 & July 4)

                  Building Young Minds                                   BEFORE CAMP CARE
                    Summer Fun!

            Before and After School Child Care
          Explorer Zone continues to provide before care and                      7:00 – 9:30 a.m.
           after care all summer long! Students will have the                  $70/week or $25/day
                            for Grades K-5
          opportunity to play board games, color, play outside
           and relax before and after their camp in a safe, fun
                                                                          AFTER CAMP CARE
 Explorer Zone is the before school and after school child care program for the Hudson City School
            environment. Explorer Zone Staff will make sure
 District. Morning child care begins at daily at 6:45am at East Woods School. Explorer Zone staff   3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
           students arrive safely at their camp each morning
 chaperones students to their school building each day.  After school child care begins at the end of
          and pick them up each afternoon. Summer Explorer
 their school day with students meeting Explorer Zone staff in their school building and walking (or  $80/week or $25/day
             Zone will be located right in the middle of the
 bussing) to East Woods School, after care lasts until 6pm each day.
                 summer fun at Hudson Middle School.
 Explorer Zone students enjoy many learning and enrichment opportunities, such as computer time,
 table games, art and crafts, as well as active games like basketball and playground activities.   EXPLORER ZONE CHILD CARE
 Healthy snacks, themed events, and even a Talent Show, Explorer Zone offers a home away from
 home for elementary students. Staffed by adults who have a background in childcare, the Explorer   Before School Child Care
 Zone is a safe, fun, active environment to bring students before and after school. In addition to these   6:45am- Start of school day
 activities, the Explorer Zone also offers Explorer Days, fun, supervised trips when school is not in   Monthly       $175
 session. Explorer Zone staff will chaperone students to and from any HCER After School activity.   Daily            $25
             Ages 15 & Over
             Instructor: LifeCenter Plus                                                 After School Child Care
             Through blended learning or videos, group discussion and hands-on practice, you’ll learn teamwork,
                                                                                          End of school day- 6pm
             rescue and surveillance skills, First Aid, CPR/AED and other skills you need to work as a professional
                                                                                            Monthly        $225
             lifeguard. Successful completion results in a 2-year certification that includes lifeguarding, First Aid and
                                                                                             Daily             $25
             professional CPR/AED in one certificate (digital certificates available). Must be 15 years or older
             to complete certification. Contact our LifeCenter Plus for a complete list of required prerequisites.
                                                                                      Registration Fee (Yearly)   $45
             Fee:  $230                                        $180 (Recertification)
             New Certification                              Recertification                 Late Pick-Up Fee
             May 5, 19, 26  |  8 a.m. – 6 p.m.              Session 1:  June 2  |  8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
                                                                                     $2/per minute fee will be assessed
                                                                                          each minute after 6pm
                                                            Session 2:  August 4  |  8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
             LifeCenter Plus, 5133 Darrow Rd.
                                                                                        Explorer Zone Coordinator
                                                                                               Donna Gray
                SCAN HERE!                                                                    (330) 592-6650

                     Register for                     Start the building blocks   
                                                                                                   We love
                                                                                                   to give
               Summer 2024 Classes!                   of learning and                              tours!
                                                      Christian love with us!
                                                      Mommy & Me
                                                      Minis Class for 2.5 Year-Olds
                                                      3’s Class, 4’s Class, and Pre-K Class
                                                      2113 Ravenna St. in Hudson, Ohio
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