Page 161 - Flipbook-Kurt7
P. 161

The Last Show - On Bass.

                     I am bass. The                                  I grip my love tightly, gently stroking her strings. She lets out the most beautiful sound, and
                                                                    then, the screaming roar of our fans awaken the beast. Which spreads through the entire
                                                                    stadium like wild fire.
                     silence                                        They point at me, I stand in the middle of my brothers for this last great feat. She in hand,

                                                                    eyes shut wide, holding my breath so I can let it all out. For a moment, I want to forget
                     from the                                       everything. Just my love and I, enjoying this frozen time forever.

                     crowd, a                                       Our last show, the excitement reigniting my reasons to become part of this great band. Be-
                                                                    cause even on the worst of days, our brotherhood stands tall. The last show, a memory of the
                     cue for us

                     to begin.

                                                                                                                               Acrylic on Canvas
                                                                                                                               i: 40’ by 60’
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