Page 199 - Flipbook-Kurt7
P. 199


                     Spicy salsa,                                The mid 90’s had it all. And each year they try to keep it up. You demand it, its supplied on
                                                                 surplus. Bringing alive tides and unforgettable times. With the addition of the greatest music
                                                                 week, hypnotizing everyone at the South Beach in Miami Florida. The Ultra Music Festival,
                     Cuban coffee,                               come one come all event. Something no one wanted to miss. An event no one will want to miss.
                                                                 The life of the night, unforgettable memories that were created. It could be created by you.
                     beautiful                                   As the artists stand on the stage, as birds in their cages put on display for admiration. Ready to
                                                                 be set free to feel the wind under their wings. Each, with something more than just a song to
                     naked people                                share but a passion that reached the hearts of multitudes. People swayed. It was as though they
                                                                 were in a trans, a beautifully fulfilling and wonderful state.

                     under the                                   While in town, visit that little hide away – the bird cage. Anything can happen, most likely it will
                                                                 happen. So pop that little blue pill, you don’t want to be soft for any of this. Don’t be shy to take
                     shiny                                       that top off, the humidity will call for it. The week will drive you hard, and the excitement will
                                                                 leave you a bit sweaty. You don’t want to hang back when you can come and experience this once
                                                                 in a lifetime opportunity. Feel the freedom of being more than yourself as ultra music takes you
                     southern                                    away...


                                                                                                                               Acrylic on Canvas
                                                                                                                               i: 30’ by 40’
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