Page 18 - Selection of Writings - 2022
P. 18
Regarding reciprocity and cooperation, each member of the body politic should live in the
utmost comfort and welfare because each individual member of humanity is a member of the
body politic, and if one member is in distress or is a icted with some disease, all the other
members must necessarily su er. For example, a member of the human organism is the eye. If
the eye should be a ected, that a iction would a ect the whole nervous system. Hence, if a
member of the body politic becomes a icted, in reality, from the standpoint of sympathetic
connection, all will share that a iction since this [one a icted] is a member of the group of
members, a part of the whole. Is it possible for one member or part to be in distress and the
other members to be at ease? It is impossible! Hence, God has desired that in the body politic
of humanity each one shall enjoy perfect welfare and comfort.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Promulgation of Universal Peace, No 102
The supreme need of humanity is cooperation and reciprocity. The stronger the ties of
fellowship and solidarity amongst men, the greater will be the power of constructiveness and
accomplishment in all the planes of human activity. Without cooperation and reciprocal
attitude the individual member of human society remains self-centered, uninspired by
altruistic purposes, limited and solitary in development like the animal and plant organisms of
the lower kingdoms.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, No. 108