Page 22 - Selection of Writings - 2022
P. 22


               There are certain fundamental concepts that all should bear in mind. One is the centrality of

               knowledge to social existence. The perpetuation of ignorance is a most grievous form of

               oppression; it reinforces the many walls of prejudice that stand as barriers to the realization of

               the oneness of humankind, at once the goal and operating principle of Bahá’u’lláh’s

               Revelation. Access to knowledge is the right of every human being, and participation in its

               generation, application and di usion a responsibility that all must shoulder in the great

               enterprise of building a prosperous world civilization—each individual according to his or her
               talents and abilities. Justice demands universal participation.

               The Universal House of Justice, To the Bahá’ís of the World, Ridván 2010, p9


               Service to others is the way. Let it be your watchword, ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá being your exemplar. Like

               Him, you can  nd practical ways of serving your fellow citizens. Strive to work hand-in-hand,

               shoulder-to-shoulder, with your fellow citizens in your e orts to promote the common good.

               The Universal House of Justice, 09 September 2007, To the Bahá’í students deprived of access
               to higher education in Iran


               …those who enter the Faith must be integrated into vibrant local communities, characterized

               by tolerance and love and guided by a strong sense of purpose and collective will, environments
               in which the capacities of all components—men, women, youth and children—are developed

               and their powers multiplied in uni ed action.

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