P. 34



                                                                                                              PORTABLE BAR                                          ELM STREET BAR CART                                   FOLDING BAR CART                                     A FRAME MENU BOARD

                                                                                                              #PB3                                                  #12075                                                #12034                                               #12022
                                                                                                              Easy to carry and simple to set up, the               Clean, sophisticated, and sleek in all white, the     The Folding Bar Cart has a chrome finish with a      The A Frame Menu Board, with a mahogany
                                                                                                              Aluminum Portable Bar is lighter than ever!           Elm Street Bar Cart is great for in home use, as      logo plate, and the perforated steel shelves are     finished wood frame, is perfect for indoors and
                                                                                                              Comes complete with a full polyester wrap skirt,      display or for sampling.                              great for serving drinks. Sets up easily in under    outdoors.
                                                                                                              storage shelf, and carry bag.                                                                               60 seconds.

                                                                                                              Black  White                                          White                                                 Silver                                               Black
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