P. 37

 Built 7’ tall with auto-shut                                  GRILLS, PITS & HEATERS
 off, a stainless flame screen,
 and a ground fixture unit, this
 patio heater is perfect for your
 restaurant, personal deck, or
 any outdoor event.

 KETTLE GRILL  GIANT TAILGATE GRILL                        PORTABLE FIRE PIT                             HIGH DOME GRILL
 #12041  #12010                                            #12005                                        #12012

 Sturdy and deluxe, our 22” heavy duty   The ultimate tailgating grill! Folds flat to fit easily   Durable, rust resistant, and lightweight, this   Compact and durable for all outdoor events,
 enameled kettle grill features a temperature   into your car, and has a handle for controlled   portable fire pit fits into a convenient carry case   our High Dome Grill is easy to use on tabletop
 gauge and an ash catcher.  lifting. Comes complete with a grilling grate and   for easy transportation.  or blacktop, and the imprintable plaque is heat
     warming grate.                                                                                      resistant.

 Black  Red  Royal  Black                                  Black                                         Black   Red    Royal
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42