Page 15 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
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of getting his daughters back. He As the saying goes, “The journey
immediately went to work and of a thousand miles, starts with the
pushed college back until the Spring first step.” And so, we begin. Will
of 2017. In December, his ex-wife you join us?
heard about his plans to attend
college. She went to the prosecut- Sources
ing attorney to report that he had Bronson, J., Carson, E. A., Noonan,
violated his no-contact order. This M. E., & Berzofsky, M. (2015,
time he knew he was guilty, because December). Veterans in prison and
he had violated the judge’s order. jail 2011-12. Retrived from https://
He was arrested and returned to the
Veterans Unit at GCDC. veterans-prison-and-jail-2011-2012
Edelman, B., & Benus, D., (2018, May).
One Step Back, Two Steps Forward Barracks behind bars: In veteran-
specific housing units, veterans help
In jail the second time, he had a veteran help themselves. Retrieved
chance encounter with an inmate from
who knew his ex-wife. This inmate sites/
told Jeffrey that she was involved Jeffrey also recalls another perk Barracks-Behind-Bars-508.pdf
in a lot of criminal activity. When of being housed in the Veterans Maruschak, L. M., Bronson, J., & Alper,
Jeffrey got out of jail, he immedi- Unit: Other staff members and M. (2021, March). Survey of prison
ately informed his attorney about veterans could come in to speak inmates, 2016: Veterans in prison.
his ex-wife’s illegal activities. A with him. “They treated me like a Retrieved from
court hearing was scheduled. The normal person and not a criminal. content/pub/pdf/vpspi16st.pdf
former Veterans Unit inmate testi- In fact, I remember Deputy Midkiff Mumola, C. J. (2000, January).
fied on Jeffrey’s behalf, and he was walked in one day and said, “Do Veterans in prison (NCJ-17888).
granted full custody of his daugh- you know what the only difference Retrieved from
ters. He has retained full custody of between you and me is?” Jeffrey ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/
his daughters ever since. replied “There are a lot of differ- veterans-prison-or-jail
In February 2018, he reported ences between you and me.” Then Parker, K. Igielnik, R., Barroso, A., &
to his Veteran’s Counselor and Deputy Midkiff told him, “There is Cilluffo, A. (2019, Septebember
enrolled in college. He applied only one simple mistake that makes 19). The American veteran experi-
ence and the post-9/11 generation.
for and earned multiple scholar- us different.” (2019, September). Retrieved
ships and completed an associ- from
ate degree in welding as well as Final Note from Jeffrey social-trends/2019/09/10/the-
three Certificates of Proficiency in Prior to his incarceration, Jeffrey american-veteran-experience-and-
Business Management. lacked purpose and was sim- the-post-9-11-generation/
When asked what the most ply going through the motions. U.S. Department of Justice. Office
important aspect of the Veterans However, after spending time in the of Justice Programs. Bureau of
Unit was to him. Jeffrey stated, “The Veterans Unit, his life changed. Justice Statistics. National Inmate
time I spent with Capt. Cosgrove “I am now going to college and Survey, 2011–2012. Ann Arbor, MI:
and Sgt. Mann. Sometimes, you living my life with a sense of pur- Inter-university Consortium for
know the answer. You just need pose. You guys didn’t know what Political and Social Research [dis-
tributor], 2015-04-03. https://doi.
someone to give you a dose of you were doing when you came org/10.3886/ICPSR35009.v1
tough love.” and spoke to me. But I wouldn’t
Considering the GCDC facility be doing what I am today without
has 400 inmates, the Veterans Unit Capt. Cosgrove and Sgt. Mann. Captain Ron C. Halverson, CJM, is
is what enabled Jeffrey to spend They not only helped me, but they the Security Director and Correctional
this invaluable time with Capt. also helped my daughters. Jail Response Team Commander at the
Cosgrove and Sgt. Mann. In fact, saved my life! If it wasn’t for me Garland County Detention Center. He
Jeffrey remembers how they were coming here, I would still be screw- is a Certified Jail Manager through the
American Jail Association and holds
able to speak with everyone in the ing up and blaming others. I hope bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. He
unit, collectively and personally. to come back here and help some- is a Professional Police Instructor and
That would not have been possible body else succeed the way they nine-year veteran of the USAF Security
in general population with inmates helped me.” Forces Air Expeditionary Unit. He can
yelling and fighting all the time. be contacted at RHalverson@garland-