Page 18 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 18
profession that hands you exponen- Some people may have more Now that you have determined
tially more adversity than others. resources than others. For example, what your resources are, start to
Trauma that doesn’t specifically some are born into it, like being think about what you want or need
happen to us, but we either hear born into a rich family. However, that will help you to become more
of or witness is called secondary people can come into this world resilient.
trauma. with other strong resources like a
Through research, we have loving family, good health, or even Expand Our Resources
learned that our body processes good genetics that naturally makes First, do your lists under the four
both traumas in the same way. them more optimistic. We cannot categories contain a good mix? Are
They affect us both emotionally control the resources with which we they well-balanced? Are there any
and physiologically—even though are born. However, we can focus on listed resources that you would like
secondary trauma is not happening the things that we can control. to strengthen and grow? Is there a
directly to us. Therefore, because resource that you don’t currently
you are working in a place where Counting Our Resources! use but would like to develop, such
you witness or hear about trauma Take a minute to think about the as a healthy diet, meditation prac-
on a daily—if not hourly—basis, resources that you currently use. tice, or exercise program?
you need to intentionally build your I often break resources into four One of the ways that helps me to
resilience. categories: motivate myself and to strengthen
In this article, I address the • social, my resources is to understand why
idea of preparing for adversity and • physical, my resources work and why they
trauma by building our resilience. are so important. For example,
• mental, and everyone knows that we need to
• spiritual.
Listing Our Resources drink a lot of water. But why? Well,
Have you ever wondered why I encourage you to list your 60% of our body is comprised of
two people can experience similar resources in these four categories water, making it important for us to
adverse events but respond very while reading this article. replenish it. It can also help control
differently? There are a lot of rea- Under the social category, list our calorie intake. Water flushes our
sons, including the influence of past resources such as family, friends, kidneys and rids our body of toxins
traumatic events. But some of it has pets, and community. For physi- and waste. It also helps to energize
to do with the level of resilience the cal resources, list items like your our muscles. So, when you have
person either does or does not have. health, diet, exercise habits, hobbies, low energy, drink some water.
Why are some people trauma- finances, and sleep. Then for mental We all know we need to exercise,
tized by an event yet others are not? resources, think about your knowl- but how does it really help us? Well,
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk in his book, edge, skills, optimism, a therapist, exercise helps us to control our
The Body Keeps the Score, states that, etc. weight, reduce the risk of heart dis-
“Traumatization occurs when both Finally, consider your spiritual ease, maintain proper blood sugar
internal and external resources are resources. This can be religious in levels, improve our mood, and
inadequate to cope with an exter- nature but it doesn’t necessarily strengthen our bones and muscles.
nal threat.” What Dr. van der Kolk need to be. Think not only about Most of us have busy lives. We tell
suggests is that if we build our your faith but also your purpose ourselves—and those around us—
resources, we lessen our chances of and mission in life. What are your that we don’t have time, and there
being traumatized. core values? Is there a mindfulness is no way we can run a 5K every
Therefore, what are these or meditation practice that helps day.
resources? All of us have things you? What about journaling? An interesting study has come
that help us to get through adver- In your list, which of your out of Harvard that says simply
sity and generally make our lives resources has made you more resil- walking 20 minutes a day may
more enjoyable. We have external ient? These are the people, practices reduce your risk of heart disease by
resources: family, friends, money, and other resources that you can 30%. Can you intentionally walk for
pets, social groups, co-workers, call or lean on to help you when 20 minutes a day just by doing your
therapists, among others. And you are experiencing trauma and rounds or escorts inside the facility?
we also have internal resources: adversity. You do not need to go Or better yet, can you spend 20 min-
our health, a good diet, adequate through trauma alone. And neither utes walking with a family member,
sleep, knowledge, our mission and are your required to “just survive” strengthening both your body and
purpose, faith, and various self-care these events by yourself. your relationship? By doing those
practices. two things at the same time, both