Page 29 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
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with children up to 18 to reinforce “Reconnecting veterans in
positive roles in parenting.
Having observed the successes of jail with principles from their
these programs, Major Jones noted
that participation was not mandated
or directed by the courts; rather, it previous military training can
was only on a volunteer basis at the
sole request of the inmate. help them rebuild their lives.”
Our team had the opportunity
to visit the Stars and Stripes in
July, escorted by program director
Herring. Upon entering the unit, we
were greeted by 22 inmates orga-
nized in three rows at attention, in
military-style posture. The group
varied in age from 17 to 50-plus. A
leader/spokesperson for the unit program, Southern California to the facility. If veteran inmates
introduced the group, and Herring has also seen positive movement return to a housing situation that
invited them to make personal or toward addressing the incarcer- is stressful and non-conducive to
anecdotal statements regarding ated veteran population. One such alleviating PTSD and other mental
their background and program example was highlighted in a recent health issues, recovery and reha-
benefits. article, “Jail Housing for Veterans,” bilitation are unlikely. Therefore,
Several members of the unit written by Alma Fausto for the when programming for veterans,
spoke, and all identified the ser- Orange County Register. it is critical to balance the physical
vice branch and unit where they The Theo Lacy facility in the city environment, the program, and the
had served. Their stories alluded of Orange in Southern California staff that support the veterans.
to factors in their situation that opened a 32-bed housing module
contributed to their condition and dedicated to inmates with military Connecting with Veterans
incarceration relative to mental service. In the article, Fausto notes Services
health, substance abuse, and PTSD. that the interior of the building is As another inspiring example
All were proud to be a part of the designed with patriotic-themed of successful holistic program-
group and spoke of the personal murals, large television sets, and ming for incarcerated veterans, we
differences it had made in their flags representing each branch turn to Franklin County, Ohio. The
progress. They repeatedly referred of the military. The cinder block Franklin County Sheriff’s Office
to their “brothers” in the unit, and walls were also painted with iconic (FCSO) got the idea for a veter-
Herring spoke of the culture of scenes. ans housing unit after attending a
acceptance, respect, and encourage- Outreach programs and conference in Texas. At the confer-
ment fostered in the unit. resources are also available to the ence, FCSO discovered the Veterans
Inmates were allowed to paint veterans, such as financial planning Administration (VA) program called
unit walls with patriotic symbols classes and employment workshops Veterans Reentry Search Services
and colors. Statements of affirma- to help cut down on recidivism. A (VRSS)—a program that seeks to
tion and encouragement could be key feature at this facility is that identify veterans who are incarcer-
painted on the walls, and profanity deputies are also veterans, so hav- ated and connect them with VA
was not allowed, per a self-imposed ing that common ground creates services.
rule by the inmates. This rule exem- a camaraderie that helps pay it After returning to Ohio, the
plified one of the program’s goals: forward to their brothers and sisters FCSO decided to incorporate the
making a habit of focusing on posi- who need to be uplifted and given a VRSS program at the Franklin
tive behavior in the little things to vision of hope. County Corrections Center. At the
have it spread into decision-making While some facilities offer off-site time, only 5 detainees among their
and habits at a larger level. programming and treatment for 2,000+ jail population had self-
incarcerated veterans, it is when identified as being a veteran. When
Veterans Success in Southern aspects of veterans’ housing/day- detainee data was first uploaded to
California rooms are not taken into consider- the VRSS, it identified 77 veterans
Similar to the success seen in ation that the progress made off-site among their population. The county
Harris County’s Stars and Stripes could be annulled upon return soon discovered that few detain-