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A Shift in Normalcy
Mandy Lambert, CJM What is trending in the What Are the Trends? hours of release, we receive
corrections profession these We have all seen an increase countless notifications of fatal
days? Well, what is not? in illicit, unknown, and overdoses, suicides, or the
Over the past several years, undetectable substances that booking of that same person
corrections keeps edging enter our facilities through back into our facility.
its way to the forefront. the postal mail. For those who Most importantly, we are
Don’t get me wrong; when have off-site copying of mail, seeing a reduction in our
something tragic occurs in you may be contending with workforce. Recruitment and
your facility, you are at the advocacy groups who feel this retention have become a
forefront. But we have had—in is inhumane. Or perhaps you challenge. Corrections staff
my opinion—a shift in what are receiving legal mail that are on mandatory overtime,
was once normalcy in our appears to be legitimate when, covering for illnesses, and
environment. For example, in fact, it is not. Although unable to use their accrued
the opioid epidemic has taken we are searching for tools to time off. Anger, resentment,
on a life of its own as the combat this issue, nothing is exhaustion, and stress is what
population that suffers from foolproof. is trending in our industry. We
this addiction usually contains Unfortunately, our health must do better! How?
some of the most manipulative centers are not immune
inmates with whom we have either. Even with the What Are We Missing?
ever dealt. implementation of medication We need to ask ourselves
assisted treatment, abuse what we are missing. I am sure
still occurs. For example, the most of you have heard that
latest abuses of “cheeking” career staff are leaving jails for
and inmates dropping the jobs with more pay, less stress,
strips in jumpsuit pockets or and a better schedule. Perhaps
We cannot address using orange paper to mimic their new job allows them
more family time or better
Then we are hit with a promotional opportunities.
these issues alone, global pandemic. We must still Corrections professionals
house those who are seriously struggle to maintain an
but we can do this mentally ill, as well as those adequate level of staffing to
who suffer from substance safeguard the public and staff
together. use disorders, but now we who work in our nation’s
jails. As our staff continues to
need to create quarantine
units. Legislation regarding diminish, we cannot keep at
restrictive housing, inmate this pace and still fulfill our
calling rates, and “improving” obligations to the incarcerated
conditions of confinement individuals, public and
continues to move more visitors. But, most importantly,
quickly than we anticipate. we cannot continue to rely on
Inmates who are released those staff who show up every
early to reduce the jail’s day to fill in the holes caused
population are returning to by departing officers. And we
communities that are “closed
for business.” And within Continued on page 67