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           Take Care of Yourself First

           Employee wellness has           We are also extending the   people first. However, the       Chris D. Daniels
           become a hot topic in        conversation during the AJA   axiom that you need to take
           corrections, especially in light   Conference & Jail Expo, May   care of yourself in order to
           of its impact on retention.   21 to 25, in sunny Long Beach,   take care of others is true. You
           If anything positive has     California. Everyone who      are your own best advocate
           emerged from the pandemic,   participated in our inaugural   for your mental and physical
           it’s a heightened awareness   fall summit learned a lot of   wellbeing. Please give yourself
           of how fragile our health can   actionable strategies to employ  the space you need to act upon
           be—and we should not take    at their agencies to improve   it, and get the training and
           it for granted. Nor should   health and wellness, and the   support you need to assure
           we take for granted the      Long Beach conference will    your success.
           wellness of the colleagues   continue to provide a forum      Do it for yourself, do it for
           on whom we rely every day.   for discussing what worked    your loved ones, and do it for
           The toll that the pandemic   successfully as well as taking   your professional colleagues.
           has taken on the health and   it to the next level. If you
           wellbeing of corrections     have not already done so,
           staff is immeasurable and,   I encourage you to register   CHRIS D. DANIELS, MPA, CAE
           unfortunately, it is reflected in   now to receive the lowest   Executive Director
           the number of professionals   registration rate and your first   American Jail Association
           who are no longer working in   choice for a hotel.
           our jails.                      Long Beach, California
             AJA is working to heighten   is an amazing location for
           the importance of wellness   corrections staff to relax,
           and its impact on retention. In   rejuvenate, and re-engage
           October, we held our first large  with others in the facility.   . . . the axiom that
           in-person meeting in two and   In this beautiful setting, the
           a half years. Appropriately so,   AJA Conference & Jail Expo     you need to take
           the meeting was titled the AJA   is offering more than 51
           Health & Wellness Summit for   workshops. And the vendors
           Jail Professionals. You can read  are already lining up in      care of yourself in
           more about it on page 53 of   anticipation of meeting with
           this issue of the magazine.  you to discuss your facility’s   order to take care of
                                        needs. Our mini conference
                                        preview begins on page 35.
                                           In the meantime, take care           others is true.
                                        of yourself. Jail professionals
                                        are constantly placed in a
                                        position where they must
                                        consider the needs of other

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