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inside correctional health

             Self-Assessment for             Talk with Custody and the      Assess the Environment
             Identifying Potential           Health Care Team                Ask the health services
             Challenges in Your Facility      Ask custody staff if they      administrator to show you
                                               recall being trained on the    where the training files are
             Review Policy and Procedures      different topics. Key topics   kept and how to assess if
              Does your facility have         for this discussion are:       they are organized and easy
                policies and procedures in      How do they handle           to locate.
                place that identify all of the   dental emergencies?         Ask to see the list of correc­
                topics/content required for     How do they identify an      tional officers who have not
                the training?                    inmate having an adverse     been trained and work with
              Do the policies and proce­        reaction to medications?     the health authority to get
                dures address all aspects       What are the proto­          them trained.
                of the NCCHC standard,           cols when an inmate is      Check to see what percent­
                including the creation of a      undergoing withdrawal        age of correctional officers
                training outline/curricu­        protocols?                   have been trained and
                lum, course content, and                                      whether at least 75% of the
                length of training? And is it    What procedures do they     staff present on each shift is
                kept on file?                    follow for suicide preven­   trained.
              Do the policies and proce­        tion, such as identifica­
                                                 tion of an inmate with
                dures establish a process to     suicide ideation?          Key Takeaways
                keep all training files orga­                                Any issues that come up
                nized and accessible regard­   Ask custody staff if the      during your discussions
                less of vendor contract        training provided ade­         might include opportuni­
                changes?                       quately prepares them          ties to improve policy,
              Is there an established         for how to handle health­      procedures, or training
                                               related issues.
                training program that                                         enhancements.
                is approved by the            alk with custody staff        CQI (continuous quality
                health authority in coop­      about different health sce­    improvement) process stud­
                eration with the facility      narios and how they would      ies are a great way to under­
                administration?                respond. For example,          stand specific root causes
              Does the policy stipulate the   how would they identify        and can help to focus the
                                               an inmate with low blood
                training occurs every two      sugar? What would they do      improvement efforts where
                years?                         to treat the patient or get the   needed.
              Is the training conducted       inmate help?
                during orientation, then      Ask the team if they felt the   Share what you learned with
                every two years thereafter?    health­related training was   your custody staff and the
                What process does the facil­   helpful, and ask about ways   health care team.
                ity staff follow to ensure     to improve the training for
                ongoing training?
                                               future sessions.

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