Page 16 - FINAL VERSION ---- Mar 2021_IPLANTS MAGAZINE_ Large v2
P. 16
Finding a solution
Architects and air conditioning Plants clean air – how do we know? Your indoor plants work around
engineers are already consider- Our ongoing research shows that the clock for you
ing building airf ow and HVAC the presence of plants in the work- All commonly used indoor
systems in new ways, as a result place or in the home can remove plants have the capacity to
of the virus, with planned a wide range of toxic air chemicals improve air quality in the of ce
increased fresh air f ow and from motor vehicle emissions, such or home. Give them the right
air f ltration compared to that as benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene plant light and they start work-
designed in the past. and xylene (BTEX), reduce carbon ing immediately 24/7/365. No
So, while we wait for air condi- dioxide build up, and clean the 35-hour week, no weekends
tioning to deliver clean ‘breath- air. You don’t need a jungle, just of , no holidays, no sick leave,
able air,’ rather than “accept- an appropriate number that are no f exi-days, no family leave,
able” quality air, living plants receiving the correct light to photo- no compassionate leave or
work 24/7 to clean the air we synthesise. public holidays.
So, give yourself the breath of life and insist on indoor trees and
plants in your corporate workplace, but give them the right, plant light to do the job.