Page 19 - FINAL VERSION ---- Mar 2021_IPLANTS MAGAZINE_ Large v2
P. 19

Having said that, the PCAC , drove a narrative that increased   The Movement of Martin Luther King, stipulated
            interest in plants and the public responded by buying “House   peaceful demonstrations, rather than violent
            Plants.”  Potted window gardens cropped up in many homes    uprisings. Confrontations were defused by saying
            giving a boost to plant sales.  Commercially, employers allowed   “Peace Brother” and the simple gesture of hand-
            plants in the workspace, some employing Professional plant   ing a potential adversary a f ower, as a symbol of
            companies to provide service for said plants.               peace and love.

            It’s been quite a journey, from Flower Children to science, to   It was this popular gesture among the children of
            regulations, to building designs and f nally to creating a safe,   the “60’s that gave them the name, “Flower Chil-
            healthful environment in which to work. We experienced ups   dren.” Later we were called, “Peaceniks.” We wore
            and downs, particularly when the costs of achieving this lofty   Peace Symbols hung on a string of “love beads.”
            goal were considered. The economy dictated budgets as it ebbed   Our quiet “sit ins” became the demonstration du
            and f owed. Factors which contributed to a multitude of changes   jour, and terms such as “up tight,” and “I love you
            we were to undergo, included: stress, a study of which, led to an   man,” entered the vernacular.
            awareness of stress induced medical issues.
                                                                        Many of you are too young to remember the
            Then, an energy crisis occurred, which directed the construction   phenomenon of Woodstock, in 1969, when almost
            of energy ef  cient buildings. Budgets were cut and, unfortunate-  half a million people spent a three, day weekend
            ly, plants were the f rst things to go. Of  ce environments were   listening to a concert.  It was a gigantic love fest,
            sterile.  Windows couldn’t be opened, and people were calling   where not one violent incident was recorded.  This
            in sick with weird af  ictions. Scientif c research led to discovery   was truly a remarkable and historic event with an
            of the “Sick Building Syndrome.” Finally, further research includ-  out poring of peace and love.
            ing the NASA studies on the benef ts of plants, contributed to
            another upsurge in demand for plants.                       Most of these so called, Peaceniks were known to
                                                                        surround themselves with plants in their “pads.”
            The ‘60’s, was a tumultuous decade. The horrible war raging in   The claim was that the plants made them less
            the far east, made phrases such as “make love, not war,” popular   stressful, as well as providing a bit of serenity. They
            among the Flower Children.                                  wanted to coexist among the “green things.” Now
                                                                        everyone’s granny, at the time had a few potted
                                                                        plants on the window sill, but the Peaceniks kept
                                                                        plants in excess. It was, as was said back then
                                                                        “a thing.” Thus, the demand for potted greenery
                                                                        began to sky rocket. This was most curious.
 CREATIVE  QUOTE                                                        69’



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