Page 492 - [] l la era de las maquinas espirituales kurzweil
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Visual Adventures
               Human:  The Role 01 Failure in Successlul
           Peterson, Dale, Gcnesis ll: Creatlón and Recreation with Computers, Reston
                    Piaget, Jean,  The  Psychology  olIntelligence,  Routledge  and  Kegan
                        Computers and the  lmagination:
                  Design, St. Marrin's Press, Nueva York, 1985.
             Publishing Co., Reston, VA, 1983.
               Petroski, Henry, To  Engineer Is
                        Pickover,  Clifford  A.,
         wood, NJ, 1986:
                      Londres,  1967.
      putational  and
                             The  Computer and the  Rise 01 the Sciences  01  Perlect Symmelry: The Search lor the Beginning olTime, Bantam Books,  Paperr, Seymour, The Children's Machine: Rethinking School in  the Age 01   Powerlul  Ideas,   and  Pascal, Blaise, Pensées, E.  P.  Dutton, Nueva York, 1932. Original, 1670,  Paul, Gregory S.  y Earl D, Cox, Beyond Humanity: CyberEvo!ution and Fu·  Paul, Richard P., Robot Manipulators: Math
           Michael Stob, y Scott Weinstein, Systems That Learn,
                        Pagels, Heínz R, The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics as the Language 01Na-
             An Introduction to  Learning  Thcory lor Cognitive and Computer Scien-
       Ornstein, Roberr y RichRrd F, Thompson, The Amazin8 Brain, HOll~hton­
                    The Universe 01 the Mind, Johns Hopkins University Press, Bal-
                  Ollellene, Pierre, The Deus Machine, Villard Books, Nueva York, 1994,
                          .  Bey.ond the Edge, Sr.  Martin's Press, Nueva York, 1991.  Pierce, John R, The Science 01 Musical Sound, Scientific American Books,   York, 1983,  Nll'~va  Pines, David, ed., Emerging Syntheses in Science, Addison-Wesley, Reading,   MA,1988,  Pinker, Steven, How the Mind Works, W,  W. Norton and Company, Nue-  va York, 1997.  _, The Language Instinct, William Morrow, Nueva York,  1994.   Books,   Basic  _,  L
         Miftlin, Boston,  1984,   Osherson, Daniel N"  tis/J, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,  1986.   Owen, G"   1':>71.  lilllOl'C, MD,  ture, Bantam Books, Nueva York, 1983.   The  Dreams  01 Reason:   -,  Complexity, Bantam Books, Nueva York, 1988.   -,   Nueva York, 1986,  the Computer, Basic Books, Nueva York,  1993.   Computers,  Children,  Mindstorms:   -,   Nueva York,  1980.  ture Minds, Charles River Media, Roclcland, MA, 1996,  t
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