Page 8 - Traverse_NEP_Booklet
P. 8
Activity 3 Environmental Life Skills
and Values
Saving our environment is extremely important. People need to find
ways to contribute towards saving the environment in their own little
ways. Composting is a process where food and plant waste material
decomposes biologically. Did you know we can transform kitchen waste
to manure with the help of composting?
1. Let’s get started with composting.
Here are the simple steps to be followed:
• Add kitchen waste like fruit peels,
vegetables, eggshells, coffee or tea powder
into a container. It can be a bucket, a
drum or a terracotta pot with a lid.
• Arrange for browns like shredded leaves,
sawdust to control the moisture and put
them on the top layer.
• With the help of an adult arrange some
microbes and add them to the waste.
• Make holes in the container for a smell-
free composting cycle.
• The compost will be ready in 40-45 days. You can keep adding
kitchen waste while ensuring the oxygen flow.
So, now that you have the idea about what goes into composting,
initiate the process and help in making the planet greener. Share the
idea of composting with your friends and relatives too.
2. Mention some of the habits that you practise in daily life to do your
bit in saving the environment.