Page 12 - Skylark 5_Booklet
P. 12

Activity 9                                             Critical Thinking  Experiential

                                                                           Scientific         ICT Skills
                                                                           Temper       ICT
               In the story ‘The Wings of Icarus’, you read how Sun’s heat melted
               the wax that was holding Icarus’s wings together. Did you think about
               how this happened?

               Do you know that sunlight contains heat energy that can benefit us in
               many ways? Perform this experiment to know about this.

                 Materials required:  a small piece of white paper and

                                         a magnifying glass

                 1.  Take the piece of paper and hold it near the ground.
                 2.   Take the magnifying glass and hold it above the

                    paper in such a way that Sun’s rays get focused on
                    the paper at a spot.
                 3.  Keep both your hands steady and observe what happens.

                 Observation: After 3 to 4 minutes, depending on the intensity of
                 Sun’s rays, the paper will start burning.

                 Conclusion: We get heat energy from Sun.

               Now, refer to the Internet or the books in your school library to list
               any four uses of heat energy.






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