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CEO INTRODUCTION                   CEO INTRODUCTION : Kevin Anthony Lagan                                                                                                CONTENTS : Inside This Issue                                                            CONTENTS                                                                  CONTENTS

                                        Welcome to the Autumn 2019
                                                                                                        I am also pleased to report that the business has continued its
                                                                                                        strong financial performance in the first 5 months of this year.
                                        edition of TeamTalk.
                                                                                                        Global Turnover for the 5 month period was £68.7m (versus
                                                                                                        budget of £66.2m) with Underlying EBIT of £4.0m (versus budget
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PAGE 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 2
                                        You will have noticed that the new Charles Brand logo features
                                        prominently on the front cover of this edition.  Charles Brand have
                                                                                                        financial performance , we are not revising upward our year end
                                        already been awarded significant contracts in London and in
                                                                                                        forecast at this stage.
                                        Belfast and I am confident that under Niall’s leadership the team   of £2.6m). Whilst the board are extremely pleased with the YTD
                                        will celebrate further successes next year and beyond.          Due to the uncertainty surrounding BREXIT, and the potential
                                                                                                        impact on infrastructure and development projects in Ireland
                                        At June’s Fitness for Growth’ themed business briefings I       and the UK, we feel it would be prudent to keep our original                             CSR NEWS                        CHARLES BRAND                         FK LOWRY                          CLONROSE
                                        re-emphasized our 3 business goals:                             forecast and focus on efficiencies within our business in line with                       Page 4&5                           Page 6&7                           Page 8&9                       DEVELOPMENTS
                                                                                                        our ‘Fitness for Growth’ theme and Year 2 Business plan Goal of                                                                                                                                   Page 10&11
                                        1      to ensure a safe environment to work,                    ‘Consolidation’.
                                        2      to be a great place to work and
            Kevin Anthony Lagan         3      to increase profitability and cash.                      The group has now completed the process of transferring the
           Chief Executive Officer                                                                      group central services resource to the operational business units
                                        The key messages at June’s business briefings were:             to which they provide that service.  This change will provide each                                                         H&J MARTIN                         H&J MARTIN                         H&J MARTIN
                                                                                                        business unit with greater accountability and is in line with our                   ROSEMOUNT HOMES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        FIT OUT
                                        1      the business had successfully achieved its Year 1        objective of having a ‘lean structure’ as highlighted at our ‘Fitness                    Page 12&13                      CONSTRUCTION                          Page 18&21                         Page 22&23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 14&17
                                               (2018/19) Business Plan Goal of ‘Stabilisation’          for Growth’ themed June business briefings.
                                        2      Year 2 (2019/20) Business Plan Goal remains to be
                                               ‘Consolidation’.                                         Finally, the Winter series of group wide business briefings has just
                                        3      Our people, our company and our industry must ‘get       been confirmed for week commencing 2nd December. Specific
                                               fit’ this year in preparation for our Year 3 Business       time and venues will be confirmed shortly along with information
                                               Plan Goal of ‘Controlled growth’ in 2020/21.             on how to register. I look forward to seeing you all then and
                                                                                                        updating you further on the business performance.                                        LAGAN US                            LAI / LAM                         HR NEWS                             IT NEWS
                                        In June I announced that a new committee, led by Sean                                                                                                      Page 24                          Page 25-29                         Page 30-33                          Page 34
                                        Loughlin, and comprising of senior divisional directors, had    Regards,
                                        been formed to review our current Health & Safety procedures
     TEAMTALK : AUTUMN ‘19              has now been completed and that its recommendations will be                                                                                         & COMMUNICATIONS                     ACHIEVEMENTS                       PROJECT FOCUS                       COMPETITION                             TEAMTALK : AUTUMN ‘19
                                        and to make recommendations in relation to improving Health
                                        & Safety performance. I am pleased to confirm that this review
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PEOPLE &
                                        communicated to the business in the next few weeks.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 35
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 36&37

   2                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Keep up to date with all latest news on Yammer                                                                        3
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