Page 19 - The Manga Guide to Biochemistry
P. 19
Calories, fat, and Of course I do! Now
carbohydrates... I'm on a diet, Check
after all. this out!
you know
what those
are, right?
take a look,
OKay? ARDeSippeoeticrnitgal: Carbs
SlGimetStiunmgmaer Fat
So, Fat is an example I already
of a high-calorie knew that!
nutrient, right?
saying that carbohydrates
are high in calories is Well, I don't
a little different, but know why...but
people often say that magazines don't
you’ll get fat if you eat lie, right?
too many carbs.
Gaining weight
means that fat
builds up in your
body, right? Why do you think
you gain weight if
you eat too many
Prologue 5