Page 14 - The Manga Guide to Biochemistry
P. 14

When I was writing this book, I had the entire text checked at both the manuscript and
                        scenario stages by Professor Yukio Furuichi (emeritus professor at Mie University and cur-
                        rently a professor at Nagoya Women’s University), whose specialty is lipid biochemistry, and
                        Professor Shonen Yoshida (emeritus professor at Nagoya University and currently a consul-
                        tant at the Cancer Immunotherapy Center of Nagoya Kyoritsu Hospital), whose specialties
                        are biochemistry and molecular biology. Professor Furuichi provided guidance for my gradu-
                        ate thesis, and Professor Yoshida provided guidance for my PhD thesis. I would like to take
                        this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to both of them for taking time from their
                        busy schedules to proofread this manuscript.

                              I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Professor Kazuo Kamemura, my men-
                        tor during my graduate student days, and his graduate student, Mitsutaka Ogawa, both of
                        Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology. Specifically, I would like to thank them
                        for the lectin blotting data that they provided. I would also like to thank everyone at the
                        Ohmsha Development Bureau for their ongoing help on my previous work, The Manga Guide
                        to Molecular Biology; Sawako Sawada of Office Sawa; the manga artist Kikuyaro, who cre-
                        ated the delightful scenario and drawings; and, above all, you for choosing to read this book.

                               Masaharu Takemura
                               January 2009

xii Preface
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